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What I’ve Learned from Nurses – Life Among Women

What I’ve Learned from Nurses – Life Among Women

Ed Halphen, Woman’s VP, Human Resources

When choosing where to work, everyone has a different set of values and unique reasons for selecting a place. Several things attracted me to Woman’s Hospital – its reputation for care, being an “Employer of Choice,” and its mission – but the most meaningful was my strong affection for the nursing profession.

My mom is a nurse.

What I’ve Learned from Nurses – Life Among Women
Tommye Crooks Halphen

A 1958 graduate of the Charity Hospital Nursing program in New Orleans, she took great care for those under her watch, both at hospital and at home. I have always admired and appreciated how she cared for both her hospital patients and her patients at home. Though no longer working as an RN, Mom still has a wonderful combination of kindness, clinical knowledge and excellent “patient” care for her family.

Working at Woman’s has taught me that, though special to me, my Mom is what every nurse strives to be. Every day, I witness our nurses using their expertise to provide the same fantastic level of compassionate and excellent care. Your unwavering commitment to your profession and to the people entrusted in your care is an example for every profession to emulate. 

For Nurse’s Week, I want to say thank you for all you do for our patients and our hospital. Thank you for partnering with the entire team at Woman’s to make a difference in the lives of so many.

5 Impressive Benefits of Grass-Fed Butter – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

5 Impressive Benefits of Grass-Fed Butter – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

5 Impressive Benefits of Grass-Fed Butter – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN

For generations, butter (like grass-fed butter) has been a key ingredient in cuisines across the globe. After all, who doesn’t like butter on and in things? But is it healthy?

Some argue that butter is harmful, especially for those with heart issues or high cholesterol. They suggest cutting back or avoiding it entirely. However, research shows that high-quality natural butter (particularly grass-fed butter from grass-fed cows) may offer several health benefits.

Here’s a shocking statistic for you… Americans use over 2 billion pounds of butter every year!

But wait! Here’s an even crazier statistic… European countries consume even more, with some of the highest per-person rates globally.

But wait, most Europeans look fit and healthy compared to the obesity crisis in the US. I thought butter was supposed to be bad for you?

That said, in the US, people also use margarine, a processed alternative that’s less nutritious than butter. The nutritional profile of butter, especially grass-fed butter, is quite amazing and can be a healthy part of your daily diet.

In this article, we will dive deeper and learn more about grass-fed butter and all the potential health benefits you can experience by adding it to your diet.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition plan, or adding any new supplements into your current routine.

Traditional Butter vs. Grass-Fed Butter

If you’re following all the new nutritional trends, you’d know grass-fed everything is being pushed. Grass-fed cows produce healthier milk. This milk contains more beneficial fats, vitamins, and a better balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. It also has fewer harmful substances. Choosing grass-fed dairy supports more eco-friendly farming practices.

Grass-fed cows also provide healthier beef, which we consume as a quality source of protein.

But then on the other hand, grain-fed cows can become unhealthy. When this happens, their milk has fewer nutrients, more omega-6 fats, and may contain traces of antibiotics and hormones used to keep the animals alive.

Grain-fed dairy is also more likely to have mold toxins from contaminated feed, which can end up in the milk you’re drinking or giving to your kids (a scary thought, right?).

5 Health Benefits of Grass-fed Butter

The diet of dairy cows significantly influences the nutritional composition of their milk and the butter made from it. While most US cows consume corn- and grain-based feeds, grass-fed dairy products are gaining quite the popularity.

Let’s look at the benefits associated with grass-fed butter:

1.     Better nutritional composition

Both traditional and grass-fed butter provide significant amounts of calories, fats, and vitamins, with vitamin A being particularly abundant.

The US Department of Agriculture reports the following nutritional content for a single tablespoon (14g) of grass-fed butter:

  • Calories: 100
  • Total Fat: 11g (17% Daily Value)
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Sodium: 100mg (4% DV)
  • Vitamin A: 500 IU (10% DV)
  • Saturated Fat: 8g (40% DV)
  • Cholesterol: 30mg (10% DV)

This data shows that grass-fed butter is energy-dense and rich in fat, especially saturated fat. It contains no carbohydrates and provides a notable amount of vitamin A. The sodium content is relatively low, while the cholesterol level is moderate.

2.     It may help in weight loss and boost immune system

Grass-fed butter is a rich source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a fatty acid with a bunch of health benefits.

Research suggests that CLA, found in high levels of grass-fed dairy, may aid in weight loss and boost immunity.

This unique fatty acid, unlike other omega-6 fatty acids, is not harmful to health. The fact that our bodies don’t produce CLA makes dietary intake of grass-fed butter crucial for these potential benefits.

Butter and full-fat dairy also increase butyrate production in the body. Butyrate is the main energy source for your intestinal cells and is produced by gut microbes.

Studies indicate that higher butyrate levels may reduce inflammation, diabetes risk, and colon cancer risk. With 70% of the immune system located in the gut, a gut-focused health approach is beneficial.

3.     Great source of vitamin A

Butter provides vitamin A, an essential nutrient that plays a role in a bunch of bodily functions. Grass-fed butter offers even more vitamin A due to the cows’ grass-based diet.

A tablespoon of grass-fed butter contains about 3% more vitamin A than conventional butter. While this increase may seem small, it can significantly impact overall vitamin A intake over time.

The higher vitamin A content in grass-fed butter stems from the cows’ natural diet. The grass cows eat contains beta-carotene, which cows convert to vitamin A. This nutrient plays crucial roles in your vision, immune function, and skin health.

4.     It may promote heart health

Grass-fed butter offers more than just flavor as it’s also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. While most people think of fish when it comes to omega-3s, grass-fed butter contains these beneficial nutrients, too. Research shows that cows eating grass produce milk and beef with better fatty acid profiles.

This means the butter made from their milk is more nutritious. Omega-3s are important for heart health. They help lower triglycerides, boost good cholesterol (HDL), and reduce inflammation in blood vessels.

All of these effects can lower your risk of heart disease. By choosing grass-fed butter, you’re not only enjoying a tasty spread but also adding more heart-healthy omega-3s to your diet.

5.      It may improve bone health

Grass-fed butter is a top source of vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone. Vitamin K2 is essential for bone health as it improves bone strength and helps reduce the risk of fractures, particularly in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

By having grass-fed butter in your diet, you can boost your intake of this essential nutrient, supporting overall bone health and reducing the likelihood of bone-related issues.

Helping the World Communicate – Life Among Women

Helping the World Communicate – Life Among Women

The American Speech and Hearing Association has designated May as “Better Hearing and Speech Month,” a time to raise awareness and provide information about communication disorders and the available options for treatment that can improve the quality of life for those who experience problems speaking or hearing. 

Professionals that treat communication disorders are Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Audiologists.

What do Speech-Language-Pathologists do?

Helping the World Communicate – Life Among WomenSpeech-Language Pathologists evaluate and treat individuals from infants to adults with communication, feeding and/or swallowing deficits. Conditions commonly treated include:

  • Articulation Disorders – Problems with how we produce sounds and put them together into words.
  • Language Disorders – Issues with comprehending spoken language and/or how well individuals can express themselves (ex:  ability to answer questions, utilize vocabulary, etc.).
  • Social communication – Problems with relating to others, being able to follow social cues, taking turns in conversation, etc.
  • Cognition – Problems with memory, attention, thinking skills, problems solving and organization.
  • Fluency –Problems speaking fluently, with a smooth, even flow.
  • Voice – Problems with the quality of our voice, such as hoarseness, volume, or the ability to produce sound (phonation).
  • Feeding/Swallowing – Issues with sucking, chewing and/or swallowing.

What do Audiologists do?

Audiologists are professionals that diagnose and treat hearing, balance and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) disorders from infants to adults. Audiologists are trained in the fitting of hearing aids for individuals as young as one month old. Audiologists at Woman’s Center for Wellness provide the following services:

  • Hearing Testing – Evaluate to determine the presence of a hearing loss, the type of loss, as well as the degree of loss.
  • Hearing Aids – Select, program, and fit hearing aids of all styles. 
  • Earmolds- custom earmolds for hearing aids, swim molds, and hunter’s molds.
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Testing – Diagnose the presence and type of APD disorder, as well as recommend a treatment plan.
  • Ototoxicity monitoring- Monitors the hearing status of cancer patients who have received treatments where hearing loss is a risk factor.

Woman’s team of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists provides services to women, men and children of all ages. Offices are located at Woman’s Center for Wellness, the corner of Jefferson Highway and Bluebonnet. For more information, visit our website or call 225-924-8450.

How Many Pro Bodybuilders Retired On Top? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

How Many Pro Bodybuilders Retired On Top? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

How Many Pro Bodybuilders Retired On Top? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

by Christian Duque

When I stop to think about the Totally Awesome Lee Haney I think about a variety of things that make him earn that title. I want to tell you something, as a bodybuilding writer and as a bodybuilding fan, I make a conscious decision whether or not I’m going to call an athlete by their nickname. Sometimes it’s a nickname they think up on their own, other times it’s a nickname that’s given to them by people. Maybe you use the nickname, maybe you don’t. I’m not going to call someone The Lion of Lebanon unless they were the greatest bodybuilder out of Lebanon of their day. Samir is that guy! The same thing goes for The Totally Awesome Lee Haney. Why is he totally awesome? Was it a product of his physique? Was it a product of his work ethic in the gym? Or was it something else? Was it a collection of things?

Well, that’s a lot of questions to start out an article with. I mean you’re not here to answer my questions, you’re here for me to entertain you. You’re here for me to enlighten you. You’re here for me to give you a different perspective than maybe the one that you have. I can see all of these fine points. I absolutely do. But I also like articles where I myself am trying to figure out whether or not I recognize an individual for whatever it is they’re promoting. It’s sort of a litmus test in my mind. They can either come out as legitimate or they can come out as a complete shill. And let me tell you we have plenty of shills in our industry, from The Liver King, to the guy that supposedly only ate a 1,000 calorie meal a day, to people that hang upside down or try to sell you ostrich eggs claiming that they have growth hormone capabilities similar to that of IGF1.

The reality is, if you’re going to call yourself something totally awesome you have to live up to it for me to recognize it. And Lee Haney not only lived up to it, he far exceeded even that nickname and I’m going to tell you why. I’m also going to tell you why so few bodybuilders leave while they’re on top. And by bodybuilders, especially in 2024, I’m using it for all 10 divisions collectively and simultaneously.


It’s hard to walk away when you’re on top. When you’re making the big money and when the media is all over you. Look at Chris Bumstead. He may have 24 million followers on Instagram but imagine what his mindset must be like. On the one hand he says that winning another Olympia really doesn’t do anything for his wallet. He says the show doesn’t really do anything to his followers. He also says that winning the show doesn’t do anything for supplement sales. So if winning the top title one more year represents so little incentive then why is he there year after year? Why do so many athletes – particularly those on top – put marriage, starting families, starting their own businesses, they put it all off so they can keep competing. If competing and being on top is so inconsequential, why is it so hard for top athletes to walk away? I will have you know that Lee Haney’s decision in 1992 was probably one of the most difficult ones of his life, or was it?

You see, Lee Haney made history. He beat Arnold’s record. He had no desire to win 9 or go double digits or get a dozen. He got eight and made history. His successor was not able to beat his record. His successor’s successor was able to tie it. And no one has ever come close since. But even if Haney’s record had been broken, does anyone honestly think that would have kept him up at night? He simply didn’t care. It’s not that he didn’t care about the sport or that he didn’t care about the fans, but he had done what he came to do. He had achieved every single goal he set out for himself and clearly surpassed them – vastly surpass them. That is why he is The Totally Awesomely Lee Haney. And it is also why he left when he was on top.

Even though Dorian may make the case that he pushed him to the edge in 1991, Lee was still able to win on posing. And maybe if he would have come back in 1992 with Dorian in mind and a physique that could stand the test with his he may have won his ninth olympia. Again we can’t for a second count out one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time simply because the 1992 Olympia between Lee Haney and Dorian Yates never happened. It didn’t happen because Lee was running away from Dorian, it didn’t happen because Lee had done what Lee wanted to do and it was time to walk away. And mind you he didn’t walk away from the sport, just from competitive bodybuilding.

Now the question becomes can Chris Bumstead do as Lee Haney did? Or will he go down like all the others that have got to get that wake up call that they are no longer the top cat. And sometimes one wake up call isn’t enough. When Ronnie took second to Jay that would have been a good time to retire. That would have been the cue for him to hang them up. But he needed to be reminded of it, he needed to have it reiterated. Because maybe he didn’t think his end was really here. And when he competed at the 2007 Mr Olympia and was relegated to fourth place, at that point it was enough of a wake-up call for Ronnie to finally retire. But then you look at other past Olympia champions like Dexter Jackson who took 9th his last Olympia. Or you look at Samir Bannout, who we talked about earlier in this article, he was a past Mr Olympia and he wasn’t even placing in the top 10 towards the end of his career.

Each bodybuilder and physique-based athlete needs to make that determination on their own, in close consultation with their families and their camp. But I must say that while it would be the opportune moment for Chris Bumstead to walk away, I really don’t think that he will. It’s nothing against C-Bum, it’s just that most athletes are not able to do what The Totally Awesome Lee Haney did – leave on top, leave after you won the biggest title in the sport, leave the fans wanting for more, but you put yourself first. I just don’t know if Bumstead has the courage to do that. I don’t know that most athletes that have that number one spot have the courage and the vision for the future to do right by themselves at the present time. And it’s not just a matter of courage. It’s the fact that you are on top of the world and once you no longer defend that title you’re just like everybody else.

What’s your take? Do you think we will see Bumstead at the 2024 Olympia weekend as a competitor? Do you think he will continue to defend his Olympia title until someone knocks him out? As always, thanks for reading my article, here, at Iron Magazine. I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments.


What’s a Pelvic Therapist and how do they help? – Life Among Women

What’s a Pelvic Therapist and how do they help? – Life Among Women

What’s a Pelvic Therapist and how do they help? – Life Among WomenBy: Lisanne Meiners McCuller, PT, DPT, Pelvic Health Specialist at Woman’s Center for Wellness

Pelvic problems such as incontinence issues and sexual functions can be life-altering for women and men. As a pelvic therapist it’s my goal to give individuals the freedom to continue a normal lifestyle. This all begins with a strengthening of pelvic floor muscles and core musculature.

A weakened or damaged pelvic floor can result in the following symptoms:

  • Urinary: Urinary leakage, incontinence, urgency, increased frequency or difficulty emptying bladder
  • Prolapse of the pelvic organs
  • Bowel: Constipation, difficulty evacuating stool or pain associated with movements, and fecal incontinence 
  • Women’s Health: Pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, usual pain during pregnancy, pain following childbirth (vaginal or cesarean) and diastasis recti abdominus (abdominal muscle separation due to pregnancy)
  • Men’s Health: Difficulty with urinary and sexual function following prostatectomy and sexual dysfunction

The Benefits of Pelvic Therapy

Pelvic therapy aims to optimize pelvic floor muscle function, which includes so much more than just kegel exercises. So it’s important to have an assessment to determine the cause of your problem. 

Weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to problems, but so can overactive pelvic floor muscles. If you have overactive pelvic floor muscles, doing kegels could worsen your symptoms. Or if you’re performing a kegel exercise incorrectly, you could be worsening your problem(s) as well. 

A pelvic therapist will talk with you about your concerns and medical history, and educate you on pelvic anatomy and function as it relates to your symptoms. They will teach you how to properly activate your pelvic floor muscles as well as properly relax/lengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Don’t Excuse Pelvic Problems Away

A woman’s pelvic floor is tremendously affected during pregnancy and childbirth. So if you’ve had children, come see us! I always encourage pregnant women to see a pelvic therapist during their 4th trimester to ensure proper recovery and prevention of future problems. 

Over the years, friends would comment on issues they would have as young mothers during pregnancy and following childbirth (urinary leakage, prolapse, pain with intercourse). They would say things like, “Oh it’s just normal. I’ve had babies. That’s just how it is.” 

My mother’s friends would tell me about issues they were experiencing during menopause and postmenopausal years (prolapse, pain with intercourse, urinary and/or fecal leakage), and again I heard them saying, “It’s just how it is… “I’m just getting older.” 

Having my own children certainly gave me a better perspective of changes that occur to our bodies and the challenges associated with those changes.  I wanted people to know that just because it is common does not mean it is NORMAL. Remember, you don’t have to live with problems that can be easily fixed. 

Difficult Conditions to Talk About

Talking about pelvic problems is hard, I understand. Many people have been dealing with their problems for years because they are uncomfortable discussing. Often patients think they’re the only one experiencing these issues. These conditions are more common than most people think.

Not dealing with the problem can affect your marriage, job, social life, daily activities, and feelings of general self worth. It truly is a privilege to be able to work with my patients, listen to their concerns, educate them, and help them to improve their quality of life. 

What Makes Woman’s Therapy Different

At Woman’s Therapy, we understand everyone is different and their problems are unique. Many patients may share common symptoms, but no two stories are the same, so all treatment plans are customized.  You will play the key role in directing your own treatment, so we spend the time educating you and answering your questions. We’ve spent time investing in our therapeutic environment and technology because we want you to succeed.

For more information or to schedule a private therapy consultation, visit our website or contact our patient navigator at 225-924-8709.


Is Corn REALLY Good for You? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Is Corn REALLY Good for You? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Is Corn REALLY Good for You? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN

Are you someone who likes corn? It’s one of those foods that allows you to eat it on the cob, off the cob, in dishes, and just about with any topping or condiment your heart desires.

But is it really good for you?

Corn is one of those carbohydrates that is confusing as it is considered both a grain and a vegetable.

Personally, I’m a fan of fresh corn on the cob. I’m talking about the stuff you purchase directly from a farm. Sure, you can purchase canned corn, and frozen corn can be good in the colder months when fresh corn isn’t available, but is it something you should be eating?

But the things you purchase from the store may actually have corn in them without you even realizing it. Is that a good thing or a bad?

Because of its somewhat dual function, you’ll find corn in virtually everything at the supermarket. If you look closely at labels, you’ll see it formulated into cereal, beer, crackers, chips, and a bunch of other snack items and foods.

We eat a lot of corn but not nearly enough of it in vegetable form, and it’s the vegetable form that deserves more room in our diets.

In this article, we will dive deeper and discuss some of the health benefits of corn that you may have never known existed.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition plan, or adding any new supplements into your current routine.

The Nutritional Value of Corn

A medium-sized ear of corn is a nutritional powerhouse, offering a balanced mix of nutrients and only 88 calories.

With 1.4g of fat, 19g of carbohydrates, and 3.3g of protein, it’s a healthy addition to any diet. Plus, it’s packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, E, and A, thiamin, and fiber.

Below is the nutritional profile, showing that it can be a healthy choice as part of your meals:

  • Calories: 88
  • Protein: 3.3g
  • Fat: 1.4g
  • Carbohydrates: 19g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Sugars: 6.4g
  • Sodium: 15mg
  • Potassium: 275mg
  • Thiamin: 0.16mg
  • Vitamin C: 6.9mg
  • Vitamin B5: 0.7mg
  • Folate: 42.8mcg
  • Iron: 0.5mg
  • Zinc: 0.5mg
  • Magnesium: 37.7mg

5 Health Benefits of Corn

Corn offers a bunch of health benefits that can improve your overall well-being. Let’s look at these benefit in a little more detail:

1.     Improves eye health

Corn contains potent compounds that can protect your vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin, two main carotenoids found in corn, play a crucial role in maintaining eye health. These nutrients shield your retina from harmful blue light and may reduce the risk of common eye problems (especially as you age).

Macular degeneration and cataracts, two of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide, might be less likely to occur if you consume enough of these powerful carotenoids. While white corn contains lower levels, other corn varieties provide significant amounts of these eye-friendly nutrients.

Research shows that people with higher blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin face a lower risk of developing eye diseases.

One notable study involving 356 adults found that those who consumed the most carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxanthin, had a 43% lower risk of macular degeneration compared to those who ate the least.

2.     Diabetes risk reduction

Purple corn stands out for its potential to help manage blood sugar. The vibrant color comes from anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol that may improve how your body handles insulin and glucose.

By including purple corn and other colorful plant foods in your diet, you might be able to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This proactive approach to nutrition can support better blood sugar control. However, if you already have diabetes, be mindful of the carbohydrate content when adding corn to your meals.

3.     Digestive health support

Corn provides a good amount of insoluble fiber, which plays a key role in digestive health. Your body doesn’t break down this type of fiber, allowing it to pass through your system intact. This process helps increase stool bulk and promotes regular bowel movements.

The fiber in corn also contributes to weight management by helping you feel fuller after eating. This sense of satiety supports healthy eating habits and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

4.     Reducing diverticular disease risk

Diverticular disease affects the colon, causing small pouches to form in its walls. This condition can lead to discomfort, including cramps, gas, and bloating. In some cases, it may cause bleeding or infection.

Contrary to old beliefs, high-fiber foods like popcorn don’t trigger this condition. In fact, they might help prevent it.

A long-term study following over 47,000 men for 18 years revealed surprising results. Men who ate the most popcorn had a 28% lower chance of developing diverticular disease compared to those who ate the least.

5.     Potential protection against colon cancer

Corn’s fiber content does more than just help in digestion. It also maintains beneficial bacteria in your gut. These helpful microbes produce short-chain fatty acids, which may help prevent colon cancer.

To get the most benefit, you should go for whole corn products. Fresh corn, popcorn, and other whole-grain corn foods provide the highest amount of fiber. By choosing these options, you support your digestive health and lower your risk of colon issues.

How Much Are Dental Implants In Turkey?

How Much Are Dental Implants In Turkey?

How Much Are Dental Implants In Turkey?

Dental Implants Turkey can change your life if you’re missing teeth—however, their price tags can often be shocking, particularly in countries like the US or UK. That is why Turkey is attracting a lot of patients—it has become a popular destination for dental tourism, and rightfully so. There, for much less than you would spend at home, you may have excellent implants.

However, you are likely wondering how much dental implants in Turkey genuinely cost. Furthermore, why are they so much less expensive? We’ll go over all of it in this article—we’ll go over expected rates and explore why Turkey can maintain prices so low to help you determine if it would be wise for you.

Why Consider Dental Implant Placement In Turkey?

Turkey has quickly become a popular choice for people wanting dental implants. Why? Turkish dental clinics offer affordable solutions without cutting corners on quality or comfort; highly qualified dentists use modern technology in clinics for safe, effective treatments; many clinics offer all-in-one packages including your treatment, hotel stay, and sometimes even driver services to make getting that perfect smile more relaxing than ever!

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Turkey?

The price of dental implants in Turkey is not set in stone; rather, it really depends on what you want. Should you want one tooth replaced, your budget falls between €250 to €1100. It may cost €2,500 to €3,500 for All-on-4 dental implants in Turkey, which replace a row of teeth. For a full mouth of implants, expect to pay up to €17,000.

There are a few reasons why the price could swing around like this. First of all, what kind of material matters a great deal—titanium or zirconia? There is a price tag attached to each. The specific brand of the implant also matters—the best brands naturally cost more. The particular process also has an impact—different approaches have various expenses. Besides, your destination matters as well. Although you may have to spend a little more in larger cities like Istanbul, you will typically find first-rate dental facilities staffed by specialists.

Why Are Dental Implants So Affordable In Turkey?

Dental implants in Turkey are more cost-effective thanks to lower living expenses; rent, salaries, and almost everything else is significantly less costly—meaning clinics don’t need to charge as much as they would in Britain or America for similar procedures. Furthermore, the Turkish government fully supports medical tourism. They provide clinics with excellent benefits such as cheaper taxes or other incentives, making it simpler for them to keep rates low while still attracting overseas customers.

The second point is that Turkey has a lot of dental offices. Although the competition is fierce, patients would really benefit from this. Many clinics fight for attention, so they maintain low pricing and excellent quality to stand out and get more business. It’s like a win-win; you receive excellent service without paying ridiculous rates.

Comparing Turkey To Other Countries For Dental Implants

Cost savings on dental implants in Turkey are immense when compared to getting them elsewhere, including the United States, United Kingdom, or Europe—a single implant could run between $2,500 to $6,000. Likewise, in Britain, it might range between £2,500 to £6,500, but in Turkey, you could get one for as little as £250!

Keep in mind that although Turkish dental services may seem cheaper, you will not receive subpar service.  Many Turkish dentists receive advanced training in Turkey.  And clinics in Turkey use cutting-edge technologies. The standard of treatment here is the same as what you’d find in the UK or America, offering similar quality at much lower costs.

Types Of Dental Implant Placement Available In Turkey

Turkey provides a range of dental implant placements to fit diverse requirements. Should you be missing one tooth, a single-tooth implant offers a simple fix. If you need your whole arch of teeth replaced, there are some choices for implant numbers: All on 4, All on 6, and All on 8. This depends on the bone health or density of the patients and their budget. All-on-8 implants are a great option – they support a whole set of replacement teeth using eight implants, providing strong stability. The All-on-6 and All-on-4 can provide solutions for the patients according to the suitability of the bone structure.

What To Expect During The Procedure

An initial consultation is the first step towards obtaining dental implants in Turkey—the dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and jawbone during this session in order to design the treatment. Tomography might be taken to check your jaw’s strength and ensure it is sufficient for the implants.

The implant operation follows when everything is ready—a local or general anesthetic will be administered for comfort. The dentist will then insert the implant screw into your jawbone. Should it be an All-on-8, All-on-6, or All-on-4, many implants are put on one visit.

Follow-up appointments are required after surgery to track your recovery. Usually, the implant fuses completely with the bone—a process known as osseointegration—a few months later. Once recovered, the dentist will fit a crown to create a natural-looking smile.

Choosing The Right Clinic For Dental Implants Turkey

There are a few main things to take into account when selecting the appropriate Turkish dental implant facility. Make sure the clinic is properly accredited first; this guarantees they adhere to international standards. Checking patient evaluations helps you find out if others have had positive experiences there. Look for clinics using state-of-the-art technology, such as CAD/CAM systems and 3D scans, which guarantee precise and comfortable treatment.

Avangart Clinic in Turkey is a good choice; they also have their own laboratory with high-tech equipment—foreign patients strongly value its first-rate quality of treatment.

Pros And Cons Of Getting Dental Implants Turkey

One major advantage of seeking dental implants in Turkey compared to getting similar care elsewhere (i.e., the UK or USA) is cost savings without compromising quality care. You also combine your treatment with a vacation to Turkey—there’s plenty to see and explore here!

Travel can be inconvenient when seeking dental work, especially for people who are nervous about flying. Additionally, multiple trips will likely be needed for consultations and follow-ups, which might not fit seamlessly into everyone’s schedules.

This content is brought to you by Jack Mark


The post How Much Are Dental Implants In Turkey? appeared first on The Good Men Project.

Fighting Inflammation with Your Fork; Recipes that Reduce Arthritis Pain – Life Among Women

Fighting Inflammation with Your Fork; Recipes that Reduce Arthritis Pain – Life Among Women

Brooke Schoonenberg, Registered Dietician Nutritionist

Good food and good company are a way of life in south Louisiana, but the right foods can also have a significant impact on how you feel. According to the Arthritis Foundation, “certain foods have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.” These foods have an anti-inflammatory effect that may reduce pain and stiffness.

Here’s a few ways to incorporate these foods into your diet and fight inflammation with your fork!

Ginger has anti-inflammatory compounds that may reduce swelling and stiffness.

Fighting Inflammation with Your Fork; Recipes that Reduce Arthritis Pain – Life Among Women

Asian Slaw with Ginger Vinaigrette
Makes 10 servings


  • 4 cups prepared shredded coleslaw
  • ½ cup shredded carrots
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • ½ cup frozen shelled edamame
  • ½ cup chopped green onion
  • ⅓  cup lightly salted peanuts, chopped
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ¼ cup seasoned rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
  • ½ teaspoon minced garlic


  1. In a large bowl combine coleslaw, carrots, and bell pepper.
  2. Steam edamame in microwave according to package directions.
  3. Add steamed edamame, green onion, and peanuts to coleslaw mixture; toss to combine.
  4. Whisk together honey, olive oil, and remaining ingredients in a small bowl; pour over salad, tossing to combine.
  5. Serve chilled.

Grapes have anti-inflammatory properties and contain compounds that may help reduce inflammation.

Grape “Ice Cream”
Makes 2 servings


  • 1½ cup seedless frozen green grapes
  • ½ cup seedless frozen red grapes
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon slivered almonds, toasted


  1. In a food processor or high-powered blender, puree frozen grapes and yogurt to desired consistency.
  2. Scoop into dessert bowls and top with almonds. Drizzle with maple syrup or honey, if desired.

Extra virgin olive oil provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, and may even reduce joint damage.

Lentil Hummus


  • 1 15-oz. can lentils, rinsed and drained
  • 1/2 cup sesame tahini
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Optional: chopped fresh vegetables, whole-wheat pita bread


  1. Mix all ingredients except water in a food processor on high speed until very finely chopped.
  2. Scrape the sides of the bowl down with a rubber spatula, add water and process again until smooth. 
  3. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator in an airtight container up to one week.

If you have arthritis, Woman’s also has several other resources that can improve your quality of life:

  • Walk with Ease: This FREE six-week program teaches you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life. The next group kicks off June 7.  Call 225-924-8709 or register online.
  • Warm Water Pool Classes: Alleviate pain and increase movement to treat a variety of diagnoses.
  • Medical Exercise: Developed by Woman’s Center for Wellness, these specialized exercise programs are individualized for medical needs and fitness levels. Call 225-924-8709.
  • Massage: Relief from the side effects of arthritis. Physician referral of an arthritis diagnosis is required for medical clearance. Call 225-924-8388. 




Mike Israetel ‘Steroids Made Me Wanna Kill People’ – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Mike Israetel ‘Steroids Made Me Wanna Kill People’ – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Mike Israetel ‘Steroids Made Me Wanna Kill People’ – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Mike Israetel of Renaissance Periodization, who is one of the most famous fitness influencers in the world just disclosed some of his biggest inner struggles while under the use of steroids. This is a very revealing interview and the inside story.



Can You Gain Muscle While Cutting? (Explained Simply by Doctor)

Can You Gain Muscle While Cutting? (Explained Simply by Doctor)

Can you gain muscle while cutting or losing fat?

The answer is yes, but it’s not easy, and you won’t be able to build a lot of muscle while in a calorie deficit.

Building muscle while cutting (aka body recomposition) is ideal for a handful of people who meet specific criteria.

Keep reading to learn more.

Can You Gain Muscle While Cutting? (Explained Simply by Doctor)

Can I Build Muscle When Cutting?

The answer is yes.

It is possible to build a small amount of muscle while in a calorie deficit, but it isn’t going to be as much as if you were in a caloric surplus.

When you are in a caloric deficit, your body does not have the same amount of energy available to build new muscle tissue.

If you think about it, the two processes (building muscle and burning fat) are antagonistic.

That said, it is possible to do it.

You just have to know what you are doing!

How To Cut Body Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time

There are five things you need to do to build muscle while cutting.

Maintain a Small Calorie Deficit

The first thing you need to pay attention to is your nutrition and calorie intake. To lose body fat, you need to make sure that you are in a caloric deficit.

In other words, you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight.

However, it would be best if you did not create a significant cut in your caloric intake. A large calorie deficit can cause your body to burn fat AND extra muscle for energy.

To prevent this, start with a small calorie deficit. 

A good place to start is with a 10% reduction in calories and monitor your progress in 1-2 weeks.

If you are already lean, you might be able to achieve body recomposition with maintenance calories.

Increase Protein Consumption

The second thing you need to do is eat enough protein. Protein is the building block of muscle tissue and is essential for muscle growth.

Studies show that high protein intake during periods of weight loss not only helps build but can help preserve muscle mass.

As such, it is essential to increase your protein intake when cutting.

During a cut, try to get as close to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should eat ~200 grams of protein daily.

Best Sources of Protein
Lean chicken breast
Lean beef
Greek yogurt
Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, black beans)
Seeds (hemp seeds)
Protein powder supplements

Use Compound Exercises

The third and most important thing you must do is regular resistance training.

Specifically, you should focus on compound exercises as these movements can help you target every major muscle group in the body with a few exercises.

Some examples of compound exercises that target the major muscle groups are:

Doing these exercises regularly helps to build overall strength and signal to your body that it needs to preserve muscle tissue.

You might also benefit from keeping your workouts relatively short but intense. Quality over quantity is probably best when trying to build muscle in a deficit.

I go over the best way to create a highly effective strength training program here in just 30 minutes a day.

brittany squatting and doing a pullup, alex doing a deadlift

Use Progressive Overload When Possible

The fourth thing you can try to do is progressive overload. In other words, try to gradually increase the weight, volume, or intensity of your workouts over time.

As you get stronger, your muscles need to be challenged with more stimuli to continue adapting.

With that said, it might not be possible to always make progress while you are in a caloric deficit.

Just do your best to push yourself and challenge your muscles constantly.

I go over ten ways to overload progressively in this post.

Get Enough Sleep

Last but not least, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Sleep is when your body recovers from exercise and builds new muscle tissue.

If you aren’t sleeping enough, your body won’t have the energy or resources to recover and grow.

Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to recover adequately from intense workouts.

Training hard while in a deficit, while not getting enough sleep, is a recipe for disaster.

Who Benefits The Most From Building Muscle While Cutting?

Now that we know it’s possible to build muscle while in a deficit let’s talk about who may benefit from this approach.

Generally speaking, there are three types of people who may benefit the most from building muscle while cutting:

People who are new to lifting weights

If you are new to lifting weights, your body will be much more responsive to muscle-building stimuli.

Beginners can build muscle while cutting since the energy released from fat oxidation may be used to fuel muscular growth.

During this time, your body is highly efficient at building muscle and strength, even in a calorie deficit.

Someone who has a lot of fat to lose

Your body composition matters. If you carry a lot of body fat, you have a higher margin for error when cutting calories.

You can afford to be in a slightly larger calorie deficit without sacrificing too much muscle mass, as there is excess fat to pull energy from.

Thus, it may be easier for someone who is obese to build muscle while cutting than someone leaner.

Someone who hasn’t trained in a while or has been training sub-optimally

If you have taken a long break from lifting weights or have been training sub-optimally, your body is going to be much more responsive to muscle-building stimuli.

This means that you will be able to build muscle while cutting calories much more quickly than someone who has been lifting weights consistently and optimally for years.

Other Related Questions

Can You Gain Muscle While Maintaining Weight?

Yes, it is possible to gain muscle while maintaining weight. In essence, gaining muscle while maintaining weight is the same as a body recomposition.

A body recomposition is when you lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously. As a result, the net change in your weight is zero.

How Do I Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time As A Female?

It is possible to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously, though it may require more effort for females than males.

Women generally have a higher body fat percentage than men, as they store more fat in the hips and thighs. In addition, women tend to have less muscle mass than men and a slower metabolism.

As a result, it can be difficult for women to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously.

To help offset this, females need to exercise more deliberately than men, as they have a smaller margin for error.

Specifically, females should decrease cardio and increase weight training sessions to keep the muscle-building stimulus high.

In addition, females must ensure they are eating enough calories and protein to support their fitness goals.

Should I Bulk Or Cut First?

If you decide to split your training into two distinct phases, bulking (aka muscle and fat gain) and cutting (losing fat without losing muscle), the order in which you do them will depend on your starting point.

If you are relatively lean (~15% body fat for men, ~20% for women), you may want to consider bulking first.

If you are carrying a lot of body fat (>20% for men, >25% for women), you may want to consider a cutting phase first.

Regardless of your approach, be sure to focus on eating healthy foods and getting enough protein.


Yes, you can gain muscle while cutting. However, it may be more complicated than if you were maintaining your weight, trying to lose fat, or trying to gain muscle individually.

Regardless, focus on eating a healthy diet and getting enough protein. Lastly, train regularly to support your fat loss and muscle-building goals.

Now I want to hear from you.

Have you ever tried to gain muscle while cutting?

How did it go?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Alex Robles, MD, CPT / Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Alex & Brittany Robles are physicians, NASM Certified Personal Trainers, and founders of The White Coat Trainer: a resource dedicated to improving the health and fitness of busy professionals using time-efficient strategies. Their advice has been featured in My Fitness Pal, Prevention, Livestrong, Reader’s Digest, Bustle, The Active Times, and more. Learn more about them here.


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