Welcome TWO the World! – Life Among Women

Welcome TWO the World! – Life Among Women

Welcome TWO the World! – Life Among Women

By Jessica Thomas, Patient & Labor and Delivery Nurse

When my husband and I found out we were expecting, we thought it was so neat that the due date would be 2/22/22. Imagine our surprise when we found out we were expecting TWO baby boys on 2/22/22. We were thrilled of course, but I was worried about our 3-year-old son and what it meant for him. I also began thinking of all the complications of a twin pregnancy. I’ve worked in labor and delivery for almost 10 years and have seen all kinds of things happen — happy, sad, and sometimes scary. I knew from my work experience that I wouldn’t carry them to my due date, so I started calculating when I would at least be full term. It just so happened that I would be 37 weeks and 1 day on 2/2/22, and I just knew that had to be the date! I asked Dr. Lafranca in December to request for my delivery to be that day. It would have to be a c-section because the boys were both breech, so scheduling it that day was easy. Jude was born first, then Austin followed 3 minutes later. When they came out it was a feeling I’ll never forget: overwhelming joy that they were finally here and healthy, but fear and anxiety over the prospect of taking care of two newborns and our 3-year-old son. So far that’s been the biggest adjustment for me and my husband: balancing time and attention between the babies and their big brother. 

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