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Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: UnDiet Your Thanksgiving

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: UnDiet Your Thanksgiving

It’s a long weekend coming up here in Canada, and a time for people to gather and celebrate the autumn harvest season. There’s nothing more healthful than sitting down with friends and family for a home-cooked meal. Eating should be pleasurable, and I always want to feel good after I eat, too. If you’re the same, I think these healthy Thanksgiving recipes and tips will help.

If you’re hosting, it’s super easy to turn Thanksgiving into a health-promoting delicious holiday without becoming the crunchy granola hippie of the family. They won’t even notice because the options are soooo good!

Even if you’re going to somebody else’s house for dinner this year, you can eat to support your optimal health and inspire others by bringing along a delicious dish with you to share. The key here is to make it awesome. Turkey is optional, and in my opinion – soy products shaped into a turkey and seasoned with chemicals is even less optional.

Whether you’re playing host or guest this year, follow these tips to keep it nourishing as well as tasty.

1. choose your animal protein carefully

If you’re opting for a turkey as the main dish, I recommend choosing a source that is organic and pasture-raised, when possible. Factory farming is detrimental to animals, humans, and the environment. I have a full guide to deciphering meat labels here if you’re confused about what about what all those meat labels mean.

If you don’t have the time or oven space to cook a large turkey, try roasting a chicken!

If you’re rocking it vegan (or not sure if that bird came from an organic, ethical source), load up on vegan options and side dishes instead.

And, if you’re hosting this year’s Thanksgiving shindig and not keen on poultry, pass on the turkey altogether and try one of these:

2. Un-stuff your stuffing

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: UnDiet Your ThanksgivingHealthy Thanksgiving Recipes: UnDiet Your Thanksgiving

I don’t know about you, but a bowlful of blood-sugar-spiking, gluten-filled white bread cooked inside the darkest caverns of a turkey just doesn’t whet my appetite. Whip up these gluten-free options (no bird innards required):

3. Mash a variety of veggies

Healthy Sweet Potato Salad - Meghan Telpner Blog PhotoHealthy Sweet Potato Salad - Meghan Telpner Blog Photo

Mashed potatoes are old news. You could always swap white potatoes for yams or sweet potatoes instead, but why not shake things up a little at your healthy Thanksgiving dinner? Cauliflower mashes up just as well as old-fashioned potatoes, plus it’s easier on your blood sugar and vitamin-packed. Your potato-loving family members won’t be able to tell the difference! Or try out one of these other sweet options:

4. Un-roll those rolls

Instead of serving white rolls, there are loads of power packed gluten-free and grain-free options.

5. make Naturally Sweetened Pies and Desserts

Spicy Sweet Potato BrowniesSpicy Sweet Potato Brownies

Healthy pie? It can be done! Start with my Gluten-Free Vegan Pie Crust and fill it with delicious seasonal fruit. For more lovely and healthy Thanksgiving recipes for dessert, try:

6. Ditch the coffee

Healthy Pumpkin Spice LatteHealthy Pumpkin Spice Latte

Guests expecting coffee along with their dessert? Blow their minds with one of these caffeine-free delectable sippers including:

If you’re not into hot beverages, try kombucha or a mocktail.

7. reduce your food waste

Food ScrapsFood Scraps

A post-holiday tip: aim to reduce your food waste by using up all your leftovers!

Throw leftover meat or rice onto a salad or into a soup, make croutons with day-old bread, or freeze extras using optimal freezing techniques. If you’re not a fan of leftovers, offer food to guests to take home.

What healthy Thanksgiving recipes are you serving this year?

7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

The most common types of barbells you’ll come across in your local gym are Olympic barbells or standard barbells. But is one better than the other and which one should you use.

Keep reading as in this article we’ll be considering the key differences between Olympic barbell vs standard barbell.

What Is An Olympic Barbell

Olympic barbells are specifically designed for Olympic weightlifting exercises, such as the snatch and clean & jerk.

As such, they are typically used by competitive weightlifters.

When compared to other barbells, they are longer and larger in diameter with a weight capacity of around 700-1500 lbs.

This weight load capacity also makes them ideal for advanced lifters who tend to lift a heavy amount of weight.

Another feature found on Olympic bars is that of rotating sleeves.

A bar sleeve that rotates will allow the plates to spin during the exercise. This limits the amount of force being exerted which in turn helps to reduce the likelihood of injury to the lifter.

Olympic sleeves on a barbell are 50mm in diameter and designed to accommodate Olympic plates.

What Is A Standard Barbell

Standard barbells are shorter, thinner, and sometimes lighter than Olympic barbells, with a weight capacity of around 300-500 lbs.

Standard barbells also tend to have a lower tensile strength.

This means they are more susceptible to bending under heavier weights, hence why the weight capacity is lower.

These are more generic and most common in commercial gyms and home and garage gyms.

The diameter of the sleeves accommodate standard weights such as bumper plates.

Standard barbells are typically used by those lifting lighter weights and would not be recommended for heavy lifts.

Olympic Barbell vs Standard Barbell: The Key Differences

The main difference between an Olympic barbell and a standard barbell is that an Olympic bar is designed for Olympic lifting.

Conversely, a standard barbell is a lower cost alternative that can be used for exercises involving lighter weight loads.

Below we look at the differences between these two barbells in more detail.

Weight Or Load Capacity

An Olympic barbell goes through a number of manufacturing processes that mean it can withstand heavier weight loads when compared to a standard barbell.

One of these processes includes case hardening, which is a form of heat treatment.

All Olympic barbells will be heat treated. When a barbell is heat treated the tensile strength increases.

This means it can withstand a higher level of bending before permanent deformity occurs. It also makes the barbell much stronger, thus making it more suitable for Olympic lifting.

barbell-deadlift7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

In comparison, standard barbells will not be subject to case hardening.

Whilst this make’s them a budget friendly alternative, it does mean they will be less durable with a shorter life span.

An additional process is that of precision straightening. This will also increase the durability of the barbell.

Design Differences

The way the bar is manufactured profoundly impacts its feel, grip, stability, and overall performance.

For the most part, Olympic and standard barbells have the same components: shaft, sleeves, bearings or bushes, and knurling.

However, the difference in manufacturing will differ, affecting their grip, stability, and overall effectiveness and durability.

Aside from the different manufacturing processes mentioned above (heat treatment and precision straightening), Olympic bars and standard bars will have different finishes.

Typically, most standard barbells are made from mild steel which is then coated with zinc or a nickel chrome to prevent rusting.

On the other hand, Olympic bars are sometimes made from a better quality material, such as stainless steel.

In the case of stainless steel barbells, they likely won’t be coated with anything as they have a higher tolerance to corrosion, depending on the grade of stainless used.

If an Olympic bar is manufactured from mild steel, this would be straightened, hardened, and finished off with something such as cerakote (a ceramic coating).

Cerakote is more resistant to rust and has a better feel for the user, when compared to a finish such as zinc. It’s also available in a wide range of bright colours.

Another design difference not visible to the naked eye is that of the components used for the rotating sleeves.

Whilst both types of barbells will have a sleeve that spins, Olympic bars will use bearings whereas standard bars will be manufactured with bushes.

Both types are designed to facilitate movement of the sleeve with little friction.

When compared to a bush, a bearing is made up of multiple component parts.

This means the sleeves on an Olympic barbell will have much less friction. T

his in turns allows for a smoother rotation of the sleeves during movements such as clean and jerk.

By limiting stress on the wrists during these exercises means much less chance of injury.

clean and jerkclean and jerk


Knurling refers to the textured, crosshatch pattern that appears on certain bars of the bar shaft, and it’s one of the most important features of a barbell.

The purpose of the knurling pattern is to provide a secure grip and allow the weightlifters to maintain a firm hold on the bar during lifting exercises.

Knurling on Olympic barbells is more aggressive, with deeper and sharper diamond-shaped patterns that can provide a firmer grip on the bar.

On the other hand, standard barbells are typically used for lighter lifting exercises, so the knurling is much more passive.

The knurling on standard barbells is usually smoother.

Sleeve Diameter

Barbell sleeves refer to the sections of the bar where the weight plates are loaded and secured on with barbell collars.

Recommended Reading: Barbell Collars Everything You Need To Know

The difference in sleeve diameter will have a direct impact as to which plates can be used on the barbell.

Olympic barbells typically have a sleeve diameter of 50mm.

This larger diameter allows Olympic barbells to safely secure Olympic weight plates, which have a 50.6mm centre hole.

barbell deadliftbarbell deadlift

Standard barbells are available with two different sleeve sizes, 50mm or 25mm.

So, depending on the diameter of the sleeve would depend on whether you can use Olympic weights or standard plates.

Standard plates have a 1inch center hold and cannot fit on Olympic barbells.

Bar Whip

In barbell terms, whip refers to the amount of flex or bend in a barbell when you lift it.

It can impact your lifting experience, including form, stability, and safety.

However, it’s worth noting that bar whip really only matters when lifting a heavy amount of weight.

Whip will help to generate more momentum essentially making the lift easier to execute.

Olympic barbells will have more whip when compared to standard bars. This is because an Olympic weightlifter will be lifting heavier weights and at relative speed.

However, just because you may lift heavy weights, that doesn’t always mean you want to encounter bar whip.

If you think of a powerlifter squatting a heavy load, excessive bar whip could cause a lot of unwanted instability.

Bar whip only really becomes important depending on the lifts you perform and how heavy the weight is.

For the vast majority of people, bar whip will not be of much relevance, nor will it make a big difference to their training.

Barbell Cost

Due to the additional manufacturing processes undertaken in the production of Olympic weightlifting barbells, these do tend to carry a higher price tag when compared to standard barbells.

Precision straightening and case hardening have an impact on a bars strength and longevity. They are expensive processes which impact on the final cost of your barbell.

Barbell Functions

Olympic barbells are designed with serious weightlifters and athletes in mind, ideal for advanced strength training exercises like the snatch and clean and jerk.

They’re often used in weightlifting competitions and can handle heavy loads.

On the other hand, standard barbells are a more versatile option and a great choice for beginner to intermediate weightlifters. They can usually handle a moderate amount of weight.

While they may not be as heavy-duty as Olympic barbells, standard barbells are a great option for a wide range of exercises and are typically found in most commercial chain gyms.


Whilst Olympic bars and standard bars have their place in most gyms, which one you choose would really depend on your fitness goals.

Olympic bars are certainly better quality and designed to carry more weight, but if you perform standard exercises such as squats and bench press with lower weight, a standard barbell would certainly suffice.

Love is Blind Bingo: A Fun Way to Watch the Netflix Hit

Love is Blind Bingo: A Fun Way to Watch the Netflix Hit

Are you a fan of Netflix’s reality dating show, Love is Blind? If so, you’ll love this new way to watch the show: Love is Blind Bingo! This fun and interactive game is a great way to add an extra layer of excitement to your viewing experience.

How to Play Love is Blind Bingo

To play Love is Blind Bingo, simply print out the bingo card (or cards) below and grab something you can use to check off the squares. As you watch the show, mark the squares that correspond to what you see on the screen. The first person to get a row, column, or diagonal line of marked squares wins! For an added bonus, try to get blackout! That’s when you get every single square checked off!

Love is Blind Bingo Squares

Since this is a show where people often watch more than one episode at a time, the squares correspond to different points in the season; and, since it’s not specific to a season, you can use it each time a new season is released!

The Love is Blind Bingo card includes a variety of squares that are relevant to the show. Some of the squares include:

  • Friend drama: There’s always some drama between the friends and family of the contestants.
  • Plot twist: The show is full of unexpected twists and turns, including big secrets that someone kept for entirely too long.
  • Heartbreak: Love is blind, but heartbreak is inevitable.
  • Drama in the suites: The men’s and women’s suites are often a hotbed of drama.
  • Someone tells a bad lie: There are always a few contestants who aren’t completely honest, and it’s usually pretty obvious to the viewers!
  • Bad breakup: Breakups are a part of life, even on Love is Blind.
  • A woman proposes: This show is unique in that women can propose to men. It doesn’t happen often, but it might happen during the season you’re watching!
  • Someone has an unusual job: Some of the contestants have some pretty interesting jobs.
  • Totally not compatible: Not all couples are a good match, and they often find out after their proposals.
  • Someone is super annoying: There’s always at least one contestant that everyone finds obnoxious.
  • Forgiveness: Forgiveness is an important theme on the show.
  • Trust issues: Trust is a major issue for some of the couples.
  • Major height difference: Some of the couples have a significant height difference.
  • Cute pod outfit: The contestants wear some pretty cute outfits in the pods.
  • Dramatic reunion: Reunited and it feels so good (or not).
  • Someone gets rejected: Rejection is a part of life, even on Love is Blind.
  • Strong emotional connection: Some of the couples have a strong emotional connection.
  • “I’m not in love”: Not all couples end up falling in love.
  • Love at first sight: Is love at first sight possible?
  • A gold wine glass: These glasses are synonymous with the show at this point.
  • Someone gets a second chance: Sometimes, people get a second chance at love.
  • “I’m confused”: Who knows what it will be about, but we know someone is going to be confused!
  • A pet appears: If they don’t speak about their pet a ton in the pods, it’s often a pleasant surprise to see their pets once they return from their honeymoons.

Why Play Love is Blind Bingo?

  • It’s fun: Love is Blind Bingo is a fun and interactive way to watch the show.
  • It’s social: It’s a great way to watch the show with friends and family.
  • It’s engaging: It keeps you engaged with the show and makes it more enjoyable.
  • It’s a great way to predict the outcome: You can use the bingo card to make predictions about what will happen on the show.

So, what are you waiting for? Print out a Love is Blind Bingo card – there are three of them! – and get ready for some fun!

Looking for other bingo boards I’ve created? Check them out here!

Love is Blind Bingo: A Fun Way to Watch the Netflix Hit

Top Fall Superfoods to Boost Your Health

Top Fall Superfoods to Boost Your Health

As the leaves change color and the air gets crisp, fall brings in a bounty of nutrient-rich superfoods.

These seasonal foods not only add warmth, variety, and deliciousness to our meals but also provide a host of health benefits.

The Science of Superfoods: Understanding Their Impact

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that offer significant health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for our body’s optimal functioning.

Antioxidants, for instance, combat oxidative stress, a process that can damage our cells and contribute to aging and diseases. Vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, support various bodily functions, from bone health to immune response.

Fall superfoods, in particular, are packed with these beneficial compounds. They provide a natural defense against the common cold and flu, which are more prevalent during the fall and winter months.

Understanding the science behind superfoods can empower us to make informed dietary choices. It can also help health coaches and nutritionists with the knowledge to guide their clients towards healthier eating habits.

Why Fall Superfoods? Seasonal Benefits Explained

Eating seasonally is a practice that aligns our diet with the natural rhythms of the earth. It allows us to consume foods when they are at their peak in terms of both flavor and nutritional value.

Fall superfoods, harvested during the autumn season, are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that our bodies need during this time of year. They help to boost our immune system, maintain our energy levels, and prepare our bodies for the colder months ahead.

Incorporating fall superfoods into our diet is a simple yet effective way to enhance our health and well-being. It’s a practice that aspiring health coaches can promote to encourage healthier eating habits among their clients.

Top Fall Superfoods to Boost Your Health

Get Your Free Guide to Becoming a Holistic Nutritionist

Learn about the important role of holistic nutritionists, what it takes to be successful as one, and how to build a lucrative, impactful career in nutrition.

Nutritional Powerhouses: Top Fall Superfoods to Know

Fall superfoods are full of nutrients. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that can boost your health in numerous ways.

Here are some of the top fall superfoods that you should incorporate into your diet:

  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Kale
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel

Each of these superfoods has its own unique nutritional profile and health benefits. Let’s dive deeper into each one.

Pumpkin: A Versatile Vitamin A Champion

Pumpkin is a fall favorite that is rich in Vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. It’s also a good source of fiber, which aids in digestion.

Pumpkin can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews to desserts, making it a versatile addition to your fall diet.

Sweet Potatoes: Fiber-Rich and Satisfying

Sweet potatoes are another fall superfood that is packed with nutrients. They are high in fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied.

In addition to fiber, sweet potatoes are also a good source of Vitamin A and potassium, which are essential for maintaining good health.

Apples and Pears: The Antioxidant Duo

Apples and pears are fall fruits that are rich in antioxidants. These compounds help to protect your body from damage by free radicals.

In addition to antioxidants, apples and pears are also a good source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel full.

Brussels Sprouts and Kale: Cruciferous Wonders

Brussels sprouts and kale are cruciferous vegetables that are packed with nutrients. They are high in Vitamins K, C, and A, as well as fiber.

These vegetables are also rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect your body from damage by free radicals.

Omega-3 Rich Fall Fish: Salmon and Mackerel

Salmon and mackerel are fall fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for heart health and brain function.

In addition to omega-3s, these fish are also a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.

Harvest Health: The Intersection of Nutrition and Sustainability

Eating seasonally is not just about nutrition. It’s also about sustainability. When you choose fall superfoods, you’re supporting local agriculture and reducing your carbon footprint.

Seasonal foods require less energy to grow and transport. They’re often fresher and tastier, too. By choosing fall superfoods, you’re making a choice that’s good for your health and the planet.

So, as you savor the flavors of fall, remember that you’re also contributing to a more sustainable food system. It’s a win-win situation.

Healthy Fall Meals for Weight Loss: Incorporating Superfoods

Fall superfoods can be a key part of a weight loss diet. They’re packed with fiber, which helps you feel full and satisfied. Plus, they’re low in calories and high in nutrients.

Consider starting your day with a bowl of oatmeal topped with diced apples and a sprinkle of cinnamon. For lunch, a salad with roasted sweet potatoes, kale, and a protein source can be a hearty, satisfying option.

For dinner, try a piece of grilled salmon, a side of roasted Brussels sprouts, and quinoa. And don’t forget about snacks! Pumpkin seeds can be a crunchy, protein-packed choice.

Recipe Ideas with Fall Superfoods

Looking for more ways to incorporate fall superfoods into your meals? Here are a few ideas.

Start with a smoothie. Blend together a ripe pear, a handful of kale, some pumpkin seed butter, and a liquid of your choice. It’s a refreshing and nutrient-dense way to start your day.

For a warming lunch, try a soup made with roasted pumpkin, butternut squash, and or carrots, plus some coconut cream and a dash of nutmeg. Pair it with a slice of whole grain bread for a balanced meal.

For dinner, consider a sweet potato and Brussels sprouts hash. Top it with a poached egg for added protein.

And for dessert? Baked apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon can satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your diet.

Storing and Selecting: Maximizing Nutritional Value

Choosing and storing fall superfoods properly can help maintain their nutritional value. For instance, select apples and pears that are firm and free from bruises. Store them in a cool, dark place to preserve their antioxidants.

Similarly, keep sweet potatoes and pumpkins in a cool, dry place. This helps retain their beta-carotene content, which is essential for eye health.

Conclusion: Embracing Fall Superfoods for Holistic Health

Embracing fall superfoods is a step towards holistic health. These nutrient-dense foods support physical well-being, boost mental health, and contribute to a sustainable food system.

Health coaches, nutritionists, and wellness enthusiasts, let’s celebrate the harvest season. Let’s incorporate these superfoods into our diets and inspire others to do the same. Here’s to a healthier, happier fall!

Top Fall Superfoods to Boost Your Health

Get Your Free Guide to Becoming a Holistic Nutritionist

Learn about the important role of holistic nutritionists, what it takes to be successful as one, and how to build a lucrative, impactful career in nutrition.

Tips and Shortcuts for Surviving and Succeeding in A&P

Tips and Shortcuts for Surviving and Succeeding in A&P

A feature of Patton Anatomy & Physiology that is often overlooked by faculty, but loved by beginning anatomy and physiology students is called 

Tips and Shortcuts for Surviving and Succeeding in A&P.

As soon as an A&P student unwraps and opens their new textbook, they flip over that endpaper and find this one-page guide on how to get started on the path to success. That one page is loaded with great study tips and how-to-read-a-textbook guidance organized in an intuitive, graphic manner. 

Tips and Shortcuts for Surviving and Succeeding in A&P

From metacognition to tackling new terminology to retrieval practice, this guide uses simple language to quickly outline the key strategies needed to succeed in A&P.

This guide also give faculty a place to quickly send students asking for study advice. And it gives faculty a place to find quick and easy tips for them to share in class or in a syllabus or course website.

Embedded throughout each chapter are brief Hints that remind students to use these strategies just at the moment they need them. Read more about these Hints at Embedded Hints Improve Reading Comprehension.

Patton Anatomy & Physiology is a textbook that is truly focused on helping students succeed!

Out With The Old & In With The New – Brute Launches New Rebrand  – Brute Strength Training

Out With The Old & In With The New – Brute Launches New Rebrand  – Brute Strength Training


Brute, previously recognized as Brute Strength Training, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new rebrand. This transformation marks a significant milestone for the company, and was the first priority of Matt Torres (CEO) and Micah Shoemaker (CMO) following their acquisition of the company in the second quarter of 2023. 

“We are really hype to introduce the world to our fresh rebrand because it embodies our commitment to our athletes, our unique approach of coaching, and our ability to create people-centered individualized programs,” said Matt Torres, CEO of Brute. “No matter where you are in your fitness or athletic journey, there is always an opportunity for growth; and that is precisely where we step in to help you with our remote coaching and our online training programs.”  

The rebrand introduces a new, vibrant color palette featuring green, pink, and black. These colors, accompanied with our new logo, showcase a more contemporary style along with our excitement for the future of the company and our athletes. “The new logo has a distinctive circular design that represents the stages of progression. When merged together, our logo creates a symbol of connection and growth,” explained Micah Shoemaker (CMO). The logo’s eye-catching aesthetics are deliberately crafted to show off the company’s energy. “We wanted a logo and a marque that showcases creativity and science just like our training programs,” said Micah. 

At the heart of our rebrand lies a compelling narrative that is “centered on utilizing our coaches individual creativity along with the science of our training methodologies to help bridge the gap between you and your goals. We want you to know that our coaches are by your side while you are pursuing the proudest version of yourself,” said Matt. 

Since 2013, Brute has been a dominant force in the professional sport of CrossFit and it does not show any signs of slowing down.For more information about the exciting new Brute, please visit our website here: www.brutestrengthtraining.com . 

About Brute:

Brute stands as a leading provider of coaching CrossFit professionals. Our dedicated coaches take pride in helping assist individuals in their fitness journey through our personalized training programs and individualized 1-1 coaching. We believe we can help you win through our people centered training approach. To learn more about our coaching style and training options please visit www.brutestrengthtraining.com 

Out With The Old & In With The New – Brute Launches New Rebrand  – Brute Strength Training

The Top 5 Best Home Saunas of 2024

The Top 5 Best Home Saunas of 2024

Recovery from home has gotten a whole lot smarter over the years, and now more than ever we’re seeing general fitness enthusiasts add saunas to their home. From clearer and softer skin, to better sleep and reduced muscle or joint pain, adding sauna to your routine can come with a plethora of health benefits, the biggest being oxidative stress relief. 

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dan Giordano, attributes the benefits to a Finnish study from the University of Eastern Finland, following sauna users over a 20-year span period. The study found that participants had a reduced risk of fatal cardiovascular events, with higher decreases correlated to higher average sauna sessions per week. Sauna use can also be linked to lowering blood pressure, decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia along with lower risk of respiratory diseases. 

“Saunas have unwavering potential to increase overall health and longevity,” says Giordano. “The physical benefits are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of muscle and tissue recovery and strength benefits. What’s more impressive is the cognitive and cardiovascular benefits that are now being proven with consistent usage.” 

We broke down the top in-home saunas and why they could qualify for your recovery add-on: 

Made for committed athletes or those seeking at-home luxury wellness, the Sun Home Sauna comes with state of the art features and a full-spectrum heating system designed to elevate your heating experience. The Equinox ll contains high output heaters and wattage, including Halogen heaters known to raise temperatures at impressive speed. This product is supported by third-party testing, emitting only a 0.5mG- which beats out 95% of most common household devices in terms of safety measures. The best part? Making it a double with its 2-person seating. If you’re looking for luxury, safety and efficiency, start with Sun Home and bring your wellness journey to new heights. 

The Top 5 Best Home Saunas of 2024

Sun Home Equinox™ 2-Person Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna

Before your scroll, hear us out. Golden Designs’ Modern Series is the definition of luxury. Made with all-natural Canadian Red Cedar interior finish, you’ll have year round aroma for your relaxation. This model is a flex product, constructed for both indoor and outdoor use, allowing you to be the master of design in terms of where you bring your home spa to life.  

Golden Designs Nora 2 Person Outdoor-Indoor PureTech™ Hybrid Full Spectrum Sauna

Golden Designs Nora 2 Person Outdoor-Indoor PureTech™ Hybrid Full Spectrum Sauna

A “fully-portable” insulated wet steam sauna sounds too good to be true, but Nurecover made it happen without hitting four figures in price point. With its insulated tent design, it makes for the perfect pop up alternative if you’re short on space. For less than $400 you get 7 heat levels, maxing out at 130 degrees, time settings up to 60-minutes and the option to get in red-light therapy, a recovery modality that’s been proven to decrease inflammation and promote circulation. 

Nurecover Tropic® Home Steam Sauna

Nurecover Tropic® Home Steam Sauna

Just when you think they’ve made it all- Ali Express brings the option to install your very own in-home spa. With both options of dry heat and wet steam, an added shower feature is included for cooling off and getting clean. Consider this for your next home or gym build. 

Ali Express Wet & Dry 2 person steam sauna room with shower

Ali Express Wet & Dry 2 person steam sauna room with shower

It’s no surprise that our pick for most aesthetically pleasing in-home sauna is also Goop-approved by Gwenyth Paltrow. The HigherDOSE infrared sauna has a charcoal gray exterior with a gorgeously lined wood interior. Though it’s more than a pretty face- it contains patented technology with low EMF carbon heaters, raising temperatures to some of the highest on the market within the category and contains chromotherapy lighting. 

HigherDOSE 3-Person Infrared Sauna

HigherDOSE 3-Person Infrared Sauna

Body Acne by Area Explained

Body Acne by Area Explained

Dealing with body acne, regardless of age, can be a frustrating experience, especially when it appears in various places on the body. Like facial acne, body acne can be tied to several factors, ranging from a variety of lifestyle habits to environmental exposures. However, understanding body acne mapping and what’s behind your breakouts can help you pinpoint the underlying causes and how to treat each area more effectively.

What is acne body mapping, and how does it work?

Acne body mapping focuses on where acne appears on different parts of the body and figuring out why breakouts occur in these specific areas. Dermatologist Dr. Hannah Kopelman explains, “It’s similar to face mapping, but with body mapping, I often see the breakouts linked more to external factors like friction from clothing, sweat, or product buildup. While some internal factors like hormones or stress can play a role, body mapping tends to focus more on what’s happening outside the body, like your lifestyle and environment.”

What factors contribute to body acne?

While face acne is primarily triggered by internal factors, body acne is generally linked to external influences. However, some internal factors can still play a role. Some of the factors that contribute to body acne include:


Dietary choices can significantly impact how the skin reacts. For instance, a diet high in sugar and processed foods can lead to inflammation, often resulting in acne. Following a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can improve your skin’s condition, reduce inflammation, and heal your body overall.


Hormonal fluctuations—such as those caused by menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, or stress—can trigger body acne. Fluctuations often lead to an increase in the production of sebum, clogging pores and causing breakouts.


Body Acne by Area ExplainedBody Acne by Area Explained

Wearing tight or non-breathable clothing can trap sweat and bacteria against the skin, creating a breeding ground for acne. Items like sports bras, gym gear, or tight-fitting clothes can cause or worsen this condition if not changed and washed frequently.


Hygiene is one of the most critical factors that often determines your acne. Simple habits like not showering after a workout or wearing dirty clothing can lead to clogged pores, resulting in breakouts. It’s essential to clean your skin regularly, especially after sweating.


Humidity, pollution, and exposure to toxins can all increase the likelihood of body acne. Sweating in hot or polluted environments without washing your skin thoroughly can exacerbate the problem.

Chemicals and Other Toxic Ingredients

Skincare products, lotions, or even laundry detergents containing harsh chemicals can irritate the skin, causing breakouts. Gentle and hypoallergenic products are best to minimize breakouts in these situations.

Acne on different parts of your body: What does it mean?

Each area of the body can provide clues to what’s causing your acne based on the different causes found and how you can treat them going forward.



Scalp acne is often triggered by a combination of factors, such as not washing your hair frequently enough or skipping a wash after sweating, which can lead to the buildup of oil and bacteria. Irritation from certain hair products containing harsh chemicals can also clog pores and cause breakouts, especially if you use heavy hair oils that trap dirt. Additionally, wearing dirty hats or hair accessories can introduce bacteria to your scalp, worsening acne. 


While you don’t want to over-wash your hair, try aiming for at least two or three times a week and always after sweating. Also, opt for gentle, sensitive hair products like dandruff shampoo, and steer clear of using oils on the scalp as this can clog pores. Don’t forget to regularly wash your hats, headbands, and other accessories to keep the bacteria at bay.



Neck acne can be caused by several factors, including using certain makeup products and dirty brushes, which can transfer bacteria to your skin. Hair products, oils, and perfumes that rub against the neck can also clog pores, and shaving irritation or harsh shaving products can trigger breakouts. Tight clothing like turtlenecks and collared shirts can also trap sweat and bacteria, particularly if you don’t shower after sweating, such as after a workout. 


To treat and prevent neck acne, try wearing your hair up to keep hair products off your neck, and avoid using comedogenic products or perfumes that could irritate your skin. Washing your clothing in hypoallergenic detergents can also reduce irritation that may transfer from your clothing. Most importantly, be sure to include your neck in your skincare routine. Especially for those who blend their makeup into their neck, cleansing the neck should be as thorough as the face.


body acne body acne


Acne on the chest is often caused by hormonal imbalances and stress, which can lead to increased oil production and clogged pores. The buildup of sweat, oil, and bacteria, especially after exercise, can further aggravate the skin and wearing tight clothing without changing after sweating traps these irritants against the skin. Poor diet, food sensitivities, and allergic reactions also play a big role in chest acne and should be monitored carefully if you notice an increase in breakouts.


To treat and prevent chest acne, it’s essential to shower after sweating and avoid using heavy perfumes or lotions that can clog pores. Wearing breathable, loose-fitting clothing can also help the skin stay cool and dry. Following a well-balanced diet while managing stress levels can also help balance hormones, especially during PMS. HUMs Hormone Balance uses estrogen to provide support in balancing symptoms during PMS like cramps, mood swings, and irritability. It can also help balance the fluctuation in mood and keep hormonal acne under control. If you are prone to rough PMS symptoms or experience worse-than-normal acne, this supplement may be just what you need.



Back and shoulder acne can be triggered by several factors, including wearing tight clothing or sports bras, which can trap sweat and bacteria, particularly under bra straps where acne is common. Wearing unwashed workout gear further aggravates the problem by allowing bacteria to build up on the skin. Additionally, harsh hair or laundry products can irritate the skin, leading to breakouts. 


While most typically shower once a day, those who work out or have demanding jobs where they might get sweaty and dirty should shower immediately after to clear their skin from dirt, oil, and bacteria. As far as what products to use in the shower, Kopelman recommends products with ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or tea tree oil, as they help target acne by unclogging pores and reducing inflammation. Exfoliating body washes are safe to use, but don’t use them every day as they can be irritating. While washing your body is a no-brainer, don’t forget that your workout gear also gets dirty and needs cleaning regularly, too.



Acne on the arms is often caused by excess oil production, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Irritating lotions or laundry products that leave residue on the skin can further exacerbate the problem while wearing tight clothing can trap oil and bacteria against the skin. 


To manage arm acne, it’s helpful to use acne-specific body washes and exfoliate or dry brush a few times a week to remove dead skin cells and prevent pore blockages. For stubborn spots, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can be used to target specific breakouts. Choosing non-comedogenic hypoallergenic products can also help reduce irritation.

Pubic Area/Booty


Acne in the pubic area and on the booty is often caused by wearing tight-fitting clothing (e.g. leggings) or non-breathable underwear, which can trap moisture and create the perfect place for bacteria to grow. Shaving in an area with sensitive skin can often lead to irritation and breakouts, while using scented products (such as for hair removal) can disrupt the delicate pH balance of the vaginal area, causing further issues. 


To prevent and treat acne in these sensitive areas, it’s important to shower after sweating and put on clean, breathable cotton underwear to allow air circulation. Going without underwear at night can be a great way to let the skin breathe. As for products, using a pH-balanced cleanser or an unscented, hypoallergenic soap are the best choices and can avoid pH disruption. Still, taking other measures when removing hair can be beneficial. Kopelman says you can also “gently exfoliate a day or two after shaving to help prevent ingrown hairs.” Just make sure not to over-exfoliate, or you may further irritate the skin.



Many variables can trigger acne on the thighs and legs. Irritating soaps, lotions, or laundry products can cause inflammation and clog pores. Tight clothing can also trap sweat and bacteria against the skin, while ingrown hairs from shaving or waxing only further aggravate the issue by blocking hair follicles. 


To manage acne in these areas, switch to hypoallergenic products that are gentle on the skin and wear looser, breathable clothing to reduce irritation. Regular exfoliation can help clear away dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores from occurring, while gentler shaving techniques can minimize the occurrence of ingrown hairs, reducing breakouts. Kopelman says, “After-shave or other soothing products can really help if you’re dealing with irritation, razor burn, or ingrown hairs from shaving.” She suggests looking for products with ingredients like aloe vera, witch hazel, or chamomile, which can all help calm the skin and reduce inflammation. 

Spot Treatments:

For some, acne can randomly appear in just one or two spots rather than a cluster or breakouts. Several ingredients and products can be applied directly to acne spots to reduce redness and inflammation, ultimately speeding up the healing process. Here are a few ingredients that Kopelman recommends for spot treatments:

Salicylic Acid: A beta hydroxy acid (BHA), which helps exfoliate the skin, reduce inflammation, and unclog pores

Benzoyl Peroxide: Kills acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation

Sulfur: Dries out active blemishes and reduces redness

Tea Tree Oil: Has antimicrobial properties, killing acne-causing bacteria. It also dries out the skin and reduces inflammation. (This is a good, natural option; however, Kopelman warns that it may irritate some people, so make sure to patch-test it first.)

HUM’s Skin Squad: Our unique formula that helps combat acne. This potent probiotic for clear skin contains 9 strains for non-cystic acne plus prebiotic konjac root for balanced gut health. It is a must-have supplement for your acne fight!

Pimple patches are another convenient option to use that contain many of the same (or similar) ingredients and are easy to apply, making them a favorite go-to for acne healing. “Spot treatments can be really effective,” she says, “but remember to use them sparingly—applying them to larger areas can dry out and irritate your skin.”

The Body Acne Mapping Takeaway

Understanding body acne mapping and how different parts of the body can be affected by specific factors is the key to treating and managing breakouts. The best way to achieve this is to be observant of where acne is showing up on your body and based on some of the potential factors, make small changes one by one. This will help you determine which lifestyle habits may be causing more harm than good. From here, you can take control and clear your skin from head to toe. This isn’t to say that you won’t get the occasional breakout from a sweaty workout or an ingrown from shaving, but with consistent changes, these occurrences should be minimal.

Travel Fitness Guide: Master TRX Workouts

Travel Fitness Guide: Master TRX Workouts

You have undoubtedly come across TRX if you have researched some basic workout equipment to exercise at home or on the road.

But what exactly is it, how does it work, and can it be a viable alternative to gym training for muscle gain, fat loss, and overall athleticism?

Read on because we are breaking it all down for you today.

What is TRX, and How Does It Work?

TRX, also known as total resistance exercise, is a suspension kit created by former US Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick.

He came up with the idea for the TRX while deployed in Asia and stuck doing endless push-ups to stay in shape.

While there, he created the first iteration of the TRX from parachute webbings and a jiu-jitsu belt. He used it to train his whole body in a more balanced way without needing access to a fully loaded gym.

Travel Fitness Guide: Master TRX Workouts

Of course, that version of the TRX is unrecognizable and far from what we know today. But, his initial idea paved the way for arguably the most popular suspension kit beloved by many fitness enthusiasts.

The way TRX works is straightforward. You anchor the TRX kit (typically overhead; we will talk more about that below) and use your body weight against the force of gravity to train the desired muscles.

Despite the simplicity, you can pick from dozens of effective exercises and variations that fit your current abilities and push you just beyond the borders of your comfort zone. While seemingly difficult to use, the beauty of TRX is that it is great for trainees of all levels – beginners and advanced alike.

Can you build Muscle and lose Fat with TRX?

If you are new to fitness or come from a background in weight training, using a suspension kit might not seem like an effective way to build muscle or lose weight. However, the truth is that TRX is effective for both objectives.

First, for muscles to grow, they need to be subjected to increasingly more tension, which you can do with TRX. As mentioned, you can adjust the difficulty of exercises to increase the training stress and force your muscles to adapt by getting bigger and stronger.

Second, fat loss primarily comes down to your diet because the age-old saying, “You cannot out-train a bad diet.” is true. Simply put, it is far easier not to eat 1,000 calories than to burn them through physical activity.

TRX can be a valuable addition to a fat loss plan because it provides a muscle stimulus, allowing you to retain more lean mass while dieting. As a result, you can lose more fat and achieve a lean and athletic physique.

5 Impressive Benefits of TRX

1. Ideal For Full Body Training

Unlike simple exercises targeting one or two muscles around a single joint, TRX typically engages your entire body.

Even if you aim to train a specific muscle (e.g., the biceps), multiple others must assist by contracting to keep you in position while doing your reps.

This means you can more effectively train your whole body without needing to do as many exercises.

2. It Builds Strength and Improves Balance

To continue the discussion from the previous point, TRX exercises are generally more challenging and involve the entire body. Even if you primarily target one area, other muscles assist in keeping you stable and in position.

This means that, while doing a movement to strengthen your upper back (e.g., inverted rows), biceps (e.g., bodyweight curls), chest (e.g., flyes), or quadriceps (e.g., Bulgarian split squats), other muscles also work hard to keep you in position.

The advantage here is that this builds whole-body strength and improves your balance.

3. You Can Use it to Train Almost Anywhere

We are firm believers in simple and practical solutions, especially while traveling. Having access to a full gym, even on the road, is fantastic, but it may not always be possible.

The great thing about TRX and similar tools is they allow you to have a solid workout almost anywhere. Whether in a hotel room, at home, outside, or in a small and bare hotel gym, you can use the suspension kit to challenge yourself and get closer to your goals.

A growing number of hotels now incorporate TRX equipment into their gym facilities, reflecting a trend we are excited to see. For travelers interested in maintaining their TRX workout routines while on the road, HotelGyms.com allows users to easily search for and discover hotels that provide the specific gym facilities they prefer, including those equipped with TRX equipment.

4. It is Customizable Based on Fitness Levels

Using a suspension kit to exercise might seem like a bad idea if you are a beginner because some movements can be intimidating. But do you know what?

An overlooked TRX benefit is that you can adjust the difficulty of most movements to fit your current abilities. We will go over five ways to do that below.

5. It is Light, Portable, and Affordable

To top it off, TRX is affordable, which makes it a great fitness solution if you are on a budget.

Instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on expensive equipment (which you cannot even take on the road), TRX provides everything you need.

It is also light and compact, which makes it the perfect companion for your travels, along with some other portable fitness equipment.

How to Use TRX On The Road

Get the Right App

The first step is to download a workout app to pair with your TRX kit. One option is the official TRX app, which offers workout plans, live classes, and exercise instructions. This is good if you are relatively new to working out and are unsure how to structure workout plans and what to do.

Another option is to download Fitbod. This interactive app generates workout plans based on fitness level, goals, and, yes, even available equipment.

Its exercise library features TRX exercises. So, when you select the TRX kit as part of your equipment during the setup process, it will automatically generate a workout plan with TRX exercises, such as TRX glute bridges and TRX chest flyes.

However, if you are more experienced and prefer to write workout programs, you can use Hevy. Its exercise library does not have all the TRX movements, but they are enough to get started.

You can add movements to your routine (and even create custom TRX exercises), log your workouts (exercises, sets, reps, weight lifted, and RPEs), and track your performance over time.

Start Your Workout

As noted several times, the beauty of TRX lies in its simplicity and ease of use. Though it may seem complex, you only need a door anchor or strap, which would allow you to use the kit in your hotel room, outside, or at a hotel gym. You get both of these along with your TRX kit.

First, there is the door anchor, which you secure against the top of a door. Attach your TRX kit for a stable foundation to do your favorite movements.

TRX Workout in Hotel Room

You can also use this in a hotel room because the square part that goes behind the door is covered in soft fabric, so it does not scratch or otherwise damage the door.

Second, you have a TRX strap (also known as a suspension anchor), which you can tie over an object (e.g., a tree trunk, tree branch, or a pull-up bar) and secure in position with the carabiner at the end. Then, simply attach your TRX kit via the carabiner, and you are good to go.

3 Ways to Adjust the Difficulty of Your TRX Workouts

1. Adjust Your Body’s Angle

Let’s say you have set up the TRX kit, but the exercises you want to try feel too challenging (or not difficult enough).

The first and most practical thing you can do is adjust your body’s angle. Doing so instantly changes the difficulty of movements because it allows you to lift more or less of your total body weight.

Take the inverted row as an example. The more upright you are, the less of yourself you have to pull, making the exercise more beginner-friendly. In contrast, leaning back and stepping forward makes you more horizontal, forcing you to pull a larger percentage of your body weight.

TRX works perfectly for this because it comes with adjustable straps, allowing you to lengthen and shorten it to fit your needs.

2. Vary the Range of Motion

Another way to change the difficulty of each rep is to increase or decrease the range of motion.

For example, if you are doing a chest press. The more you lower yourself (causing your arms to bend and your elbow to travel to your sides and behind your torso), the more challenging each rep will be.

If you lack the strength to perform the movement through such a range of motion, lower yourself to a smaller degree–for example, to the point where your elbows are almost to your sides.

You can apply this to any other TRX exercises you try, be it a squat, lunge, inverted row, or bicep curl.

3. Do Circuits

Circuit training is about doing multiple exercises (typically for different muscles) back-to-back with little to no rest in between. This can be a great way to save time and give your cardiovascular system a good workout.

You can do only TRX exercises, like so:

TRX squat ⇒ TRX inverted row ⇒ TRX chest press ⇒ TRX bicep curl ⇒ TRX tricep extension ⇒ Recovery

Or combine TRX with equipment-free activities, like so:

Bodyweight squat ⇒ TRX inverted row ⇒ Push-up ⇒ TRX bicep curl ⇒ Chair dips ⇒ Recovery

Our Verdict on TRX

A TRX kit is an invaluable addition to your fitness arsenal. Affordable, incredibly versatile, compact, and easy to transport, it ensures your workouts remain consistent, whether at home, outdoors, or on the move.

Eager to enhance your travel fitness experience? Do not let travel interrupt your fitness regimen. With our unique GymFactor, you can find the perfect hotel equipped with superior gym facilities, specifically matched to your fitness requirements. Initiate your search today and guarantee your next travel destination supports your fitness objectives. Explore HotelGyms.com now to locate your ideal fitness-focused accommodation!


Is TRX suitable for beginners?

TRX works for beginners because there are plenty of movements suitable for newbies, and certain modifications can make each repetition less challenging.

Can I take my TRX kit outdoors?

TRX kits come with a strap (suspension anchor) to tie around objects, such as pull-up bars, trees, and even tree branches, to enjoy refreshing workouts outside.

Is TRX safe?

So long as you secure it as outlined in the instructions and do exercises you can handle, TRX is quite safe.

Research Points to Potential New Treatment for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Subtype

Research Points to Potential New Treatment for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Subtype

Research Points to Potential New Treatment for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Subtype


By Nicole Fawcett

When researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center first identified a new subtype of aggressive prostate cancer, they knew they needed to understand how this genetic alteration was driving cancer and how to target it with treatment.

In two new papers, both published in Cell Reports Medicine, they do both, describing the mechanisms of how alterations in the CDK12 gene drive prostate cancer development and reporting on a promising degrader that targets CDK12 and a related gene to destroy tumors.

Researchers previously found loss of the CDK12 gene in about 7% of patients with metastatic prostate cancer, suggesting this alteration may be linked to a more-aggressive form of the disease. This was discovered from DNA and RNA sequencing from patient tumor samples. CDK12 also plays a role in some ovarian cancers.

To understand how CDK12 loss impacts cells on a molecular level, researchers created a mouse model to try to parallel the genetic alterations they were seeing in human prostate cancers.

“What was quite surprising was when we created CDK12 loss in a mouse prostate, this caused precursor lesions to form in the mouse prostate. Then, when we added loss of the p53 oncogene, the mice developed bona fide invasive prostate cancer,” said senior author Arul M. Chinnaiyan, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology and S.P. Hicks Professor of Pathology at Michigan Medicine. “It will be an addition to the field to have a genetically engineered mouse model that parallels what we see in human prostate cancer.”

With the mouse model, researchers then discovered the mechanism of how CDK12 loss induces DNA damage. The loss of this gene activates other known cancer driver genes, causing them to be overexpressed at a high level while also causing DNA to be replicated very rapidly. The collision of these two processes leads to DNA damage.

“These back-to-back studies taken together are quite impressive. We created an animal model and then deciphered the mechanisms of how CDK12 loss actually drives prostate cancer,” Chinnaiyan said.

The team also found that a partner gene, CDK13, is important in targeting the alteration therapeutically. They developed a potential therapy designed to degrade CDK12 and CDK13. Testing in cell lines and mice showed the degrader specifically binds to CDK12 and CDK13 and stops the growth of cancer cells over normal cells. The degrader can be absorbed orally and would not need to be delivered intravenously. This is notable as most protein degraders are too large to be absorbed orally, which has limited their potential in drug development.

Further, they found that knocking down CDK12/13 activated the AKT pathway, which plays a role in cancer development. Combining the CDK12/13 degrader with existing therapies targeting AKT resulted in a synergistic effect in destroying cancer cells. This suggests the potential to combine a CDK12/13 degrader with other approved therapies.

“It’s well known that single therapies for cancer treatment have been challenging. Oftentimes patients develop resistance. If we can find the right combination, we could prevent resistance mechanisms from occurring. That’s one of the benefits of finding an FDA-approved agent to combine with CDK12/13 degraders,” Chinnaiyan said. “This study also highlights an international collaboration with Ke Ding, Ph.D., a medicinal chemist at the Shanghai Institute of Chemistry, in the development of orally bioavailable CDK12/13 degraders.”

Researchers plan to further develop the CDK12/13 degrader with a goal of moving it to a clinical trial.

Note for patients: This work is preclinical and more research is needed. A CDK12/13 degrader is not currently available in clinical trials. For information on current clinical trials or questions about prostate cancer treatment, call the Michigan Medicine Cancer AnswerLine at 800-865-1125 or visit www.rogelcancercenter.org/clinical-trials.

Additional authors: Jean Ching-Yi Tien, Jie Luo, Yu Chang, Yuping Zhang, Yunhui Cheng, Xiaoju Wang, Jianzhang Yang, Rahul Mannan, Somnath Mahapatra, Palak Shah, Xiao-Ming Wang, Abigail J. Todd, Sanjana Eyunni, Caleb Cheng, Ryan J. Rebernick, Lanbo Xiao, Yi Bao, James Neiswender, Rachel Brough, Stephen J. Pettitt, Xuhong Cao, Stephanie J. Miner, Licheng Zhou, Yi-Mi Wu, Estefania Labanca, Yuzhuo Wang, Abhijit Parolia, Marcin Cieslik, Dan R. Robinson, Zhen Wang, Felix Y. Feng, Jonathan Chou, Christopher J. Lord, Gabriel Cruz, Josh N. Vo, Brian Magnuson, Somnath Mahapatra, Hanbyul Cho, Saravana Mohan Dhanasekaran, Cynthia Wang, Kaijie Zhou, Yang Zhou, Pujuan Zhang, Weixue Huang, Rudana Hamadeh, Fengyun Su, Rui Wang, Stephanie J. Miner, Rohit Mehra, Ke Ding

Funding for this work is from Prostate Cancer Foundation, National Cancer Institute (grants P50-CA186786, U2C-CA271854, R35-CA231996), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Cancer Research UK, Department of Defense, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute, American Cancer Society

Disclosure: The University of Michigan and the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry have filed patents on the CDK12/13 degraders and inhibitors mentioned in these papers. Chinnaiyan, Ding, X. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Chang and Tien have been named as co-inventors on these patents.

Papers cited: “Development of an orally bioavailable CDK12/13 degrader and induction of synthetic lethality with AKT pathway inhibition,” Cell Reports Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101752

“CDK loss drives prostate cancer progression, transcription-replication conflicts, and synthetic lethality with paralog CDK13,” Cell Reports Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101758

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Previously Published on michiganmedicine.org with Creative Commons License


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