Shana Verstegen
Earning an accredited personal training certification is essential when pursuing a career in health and fitness. The right certification program will give you the necessary knowledge and expertise needed for numerous...
2024 Update: Added Kabuki Deep Dish Plates, Kabuki Calibrated Plates, Diamond Pro Bumper Plates, PRx Cast Iron Change Plates
These plates all meet the FTC requirements for the “made in USA” term, where...
Other benefits you might have yet to realize are more post-workout types, such as increased endorphin high, mental health, and the increased need to eat and drink more throughout the day.Just make...
You’ve promised yourself to hit the gym every day and reach the fitness goals you’ve set for yourself. But, there are some days when you become too lazy to hit the gym...
Best Romanian Deadlift Substitutes for Strength and Muscle Growth
When it comes to building strength, athleticism, and the overall health of your body, there are very few exercises that can compete the deadlift....
In today's fast-paced world, convenience often takes precedence over nutrition when it comes to food selection. Processed foods, known for their long shelf life and convenience, have become a dietary...
Barbell collars can very often be overlooked in a gym, many people think that they aren’t necessary so don’t tend to bother with them. However, it’s important to use them each and...
The holiday season is fast approaching, and many travelers are gearing up for a well-deserved break. Yet, with rising travel costs and economic uncertainties, the prospect of seasonal escapes means keeping an...