Powerful Core: Essential Abdominal Workouts for All Levels

In the world of fitness, a strong core...

The Shocking Truth About Why Your Workouts Aren’t Working (And How to Fix It)

Ever wonder why, despite all your efforts, you’re not seeing the results you crave? You’re not alone. Most people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s aren’t getting the results they want from their...

From Stroke to Strength: Richard’s Incredible Recovery Journey

Imagine this: Richard walked through our doors a little over a year ago at a real crossroads. He had just suffered a stroke and was struggling with mobility and strength. The path to...

5 Equipment-Free Exercises That Can Drastically Change Your Physique

You don’t always need to be a gym member or buy pricey equipment to start a fitness journey. Building lean muscle, burning fat, and sculpting the body can all be accomplished with...

Supplements 101: What to Consider When Choosing Protein Powders

In the ever-evolving world of fitness and nutrition,...

Pilates vs. Strength Training: Which Workout Wins?

You’ve made a pit stop on your health journey that many people frequent: Pilates vs. Strength Training.   Maybe you’re wondering if there’s a one-size-fits-all solution to all your fitness needs or perhaps Pilates’...

How to overcome a workout plateau

Have you hit a workout plateau? It happens to everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned sweat-a-ton-er or a relatively new exerciser, plateaus are inevitable.Before we can even begin to smash through a workout...
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