Freezer Fudge Bites (Viral Cottage Cheese Fudge Recipe)

Inside: Get a fun, easy recipe for cottage cheese fudge bites. Cold and creamy, with 2 grams of protein each. Cottage cheese is having a moment. It’s rich in protein and calcium. And like...

Sex Postpartum: What to Expect Revisiting Intimacy After Baby

After giving birth, your body, lifestyle, and emotions undergo significant changes. From hormonal fluctuations to sleep deprivation, the postpartum period brings various physical and mental shifts. Having sex for the first time,...

The 13 Best Things I’ve Learned About Feeding Kids

Inside: As a dietitian-mom, I’ve learned a lot of important lessons after 20 years of feeding kids. Some of them the hard way. When I started Real Mom Nutrition, our firstborn was 5. Then...

Menstruation Made Easy: How to Cycle Sync for Better Periods

This is the first part of a four-part series about how to cycle sync to improve menstrual issues. This series teaches you what to eat to promote optimal hormonal balance and alleviate menstrual...

Vegan Celery Root Soup

Some call it celeriac, I call it celery root (because I’m not that fancy), and no joke this ugly, gnarly root is one of my absolute favourite fall vegetables. Now it’s been...

How To Choose The Best Digestive Enzymes

If you struggle with bloating or have trouble digesting certain foods, you’ve likely considered using digestive enzymes for relief. With so many options, finding the best digestive enzymes can feel overwhelming.  In this...

Mediterranean Pasta Salad – JSHealth

The humble pasta salad is here to stay! We love a budget-friendly, easy to prepare meal brimming with micronutrients, vibrant colours and diverse textures. We’ve opted for chickpea pasta as a nourishing...

Feel Fabulous in the Ovulatory Phase: Cycle Syncing Tips

This is the second part of a four-part series on how to cycle sync to improve menstrual issues (if you haven’t read part one, go check it out!). This section focuses on...
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