New 10th Edition of Patton’s A&P textbook is now available!

I'm excited about the official release of the new edition of my textbook for 2-semester courses in human anatomy and physiology!Although at first glance the cover of Anatomy & Physiology looks similar...

What is Semaglutide? Benefits and Downsides –

Semaglutide is a medication primarily prescribed by healthcare professionals to treat patients with type 2 diabetes, help specific people lose...

New Unit Pre-Tests Help Jump-Start Student Learning

A particularly exciting update in the new edition of Anatomy & Physiology is the new learning feature in the opening of each unit of the book. Recall that A&P is chunked into more,...

Do It Yourself Hand Care

Remember when you were a kid and your parents always told you to brush your teeth? Well, like a lot of kids you might have let it “go in one ear and out...

Top 15 Exercises To Do In The Park –

We mention the importance of outdoor workouts and HIITS in your fitness journey. Dynamic movements and explosive techniques contribute to...

How To Train Like A Professional Swimmer –

Swimming is a great way to increase endurance, build strength, and lose weight. Whether you’re on a mission to get...

What’s Up with Eponyms in A&P? Part 2

In my previous article, I gave some reasons why in the Anatomy & Physiology textbook I avoid possessive form for all eponyms (which I lump together with toponyms) and avoid capitalizing eponyms in which the name is converted to a...

How To Train Like Your Favorite Track Star –

Do you want to have a perfect physique like track star Hussein Bolt? Do you want to run at least...
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