Plummet Edition – Starting Strength Weekly Report September 23, 2024

Plummet Edition – Starting Strength Weekly Report September 23, 2024

September 23, 2024

Plummet Edition

On Starting Strength

  • No Sponsors, Strong SSCs, and Rip’s Blood Type –
    Rip answers questions from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.

  • A First-Principles Approach to Hypertrophy by Yago Ferreiros –
    Hypertrophy is a hot topic nowadays. The fitness industry seems to generally distinguish “hypertrophy” training from strength training, and there are receipts everywhere on how to…

  • Why Strength is the Key to Longevity –
    Tom discovered that strength training, not endurance sports, hold the key to staying healthy and strong as he ages.

  • Strength Standards and their Usefulness by Mark Rippetoe –
    We made a mistake a long time ago when we published a table of “strength standards” that were supposed to be used allow you to scale your strength against other trainees…

  • The Fourth Power Lift –
    Mark Rippetoe and Chase Lindley demonstrate how to do the lying triceps extension.
  • Weekend Archives:

    Intermediate Programming for the Upper Body Lifts by Nick Delgadillo –
    If you’re going to take a proper approach to programming, you’ll start with the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression, absorb the fact that stress has to increase…
  • Weekend Archives:

    Why Functional Training Pushes Kids to Use Steroids by Mark Rippetoe –
    Athletes take steroids to get stronger. That’s the only reason they take steroids. Bodybuilders take steroids to build muscle mass and preserve it while they drop bodyfat, but…

Plummet Edition – Starting Strength Weekly Report September 23, 2024

In the Trenches

connie at the bottom of a squat
Connie finishing up her last work set during our most recent training camp at Starting Strength Miami. [photo courtesy of Pete Troupos]
julio at the bottom of a squat
Showing off a solid bottom position, Julio took 340 for a few sets of five at the squat and deadlift training camp held at Starting Strength Miami this weekend. [photo courtesy of Pete Troupos]
dan buege coaches rachel in the deadlift
SSC Dan Buege coaches Rachel through her final work set of deadlift at Starting Strength Miami for our most recent training camp there. [photo courtesy of Pete Troupos]
mike grinding out a set of squats
Mike focuses on his knee positioning as he grinds through three sets of five squats, making steady gains under the watchful eye of Starting Strength Denver coach Jared Nessland at the recent training camp. [photo courtesy of Laurie Holland Nessland]
john squatting 315 for 5
John hits 315×5 this past weekend at the Starting Strength Squat Camp coached by Chris Palladino in Garden City, NY. [photo courtesy of Chris Palladino]
alysha benching 100 lb for a double
Alysha, a 35-year-old mother of four small children, benches 100×2 for a personal best at SS Beaverton. [photo courtesy of Jennifer Smith]
jill locks out a press

Jill gets to pressing early on Monday morning in preparation for the annual Fall Classic, a strengthlifting meet that will be held at Testify Strength & Conditioning in Omaha, NE, on Saturday, October 26th. Want to join Jill at the meet? Of course you do, so sign up now! [photo courtesy of Phil Meggers]
rose-ann training pull downs
Rose-Ann doing pulldowns at Starting Strength Boston. She’s just turned 100 years old and is back in the gym after recovering from surgery. [photo courtesy of Michael Shammas]
close up of moe ra during a press lockout
Moe Ra’s eye gaze is laser-focused on the wall in front of him as he locks out a press at Starting Strength Atlanta. [photo courtesy of Adam Martin]

Get Involved

Best of the Week

Getting the most out of an event

Martin Shenfield

It looks like I am going to drive the five hour trip to Perth, Western Australia (not a drive I am looking forward to overall) to attend a Starting Strength training camp in October.

My questions are how do I get the most out of this event? What mindset should I have coming into it? Should I take a notebook? Should I just be present and absorb as much as possible?

Should I train as per normal leading up or should I do a light day or something? Does it matter?

Would I approach a camp differently to the seminar?

It’s not about the monetary expense and I apologize for asking a lot of questions, I just want to get the best out of an experience I’m unlikely to ever have again.

Mark Rippetoe

Take as many notes as you can. Do a light day workout so you’re not sore the day of the event. Ask as many questions as possible. You’ll be fine, just relax and get all your questions answered.

Martin Shenfield

I’m driving up the day before which I’d normally lift on so I will probably not do a light day but will plan my week so my lifts coincide with the camp. I’ll have one extra day off just driving the car that way.

I’ll get myself a nice pen and notebook.

I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’m glad I clicked the wrong button on my phone and found the event soon enough.

Best of the Forum

Pain in Shoulder and traps + Availability of weights to train correctly for some week


I am not sure if I should have started 2 threads, but I have 2 distinct questions/issues.

1- when benching with my regular comp grip (pinky on the ring), with heavier weights, when lowering the bar, I feel pain and discomfort in my right trap and shoulder, turning the lowering into a sort of slow tempo! When I start pressing up there is less pain but I feel weaker and shaker on that right side! This has been the case for many weeks. Swimming helps a bit but when I do the max weight it comes back. What do you suggest?

2- Soon I am traveling to a remote area for 8-10 weeks. I have access to a garage gym but the heaviest bar I can load would be ~300lbs. My current working weights used last weak are: Squat: 385 lbs×5×5; Deadlift: 435 lbs×5×1; OHP: 185 lbs×5×3; Bench: 275 lbs×5×5; Rows: 300 lbs×5×3

I am quite weak currently (age: 45, weight: 240lbs, height: 6 feet). But last year was very unstable.

So with 300 lbs only available, what should I do? For Bench and OHP it is enough. But for squats and deadlifts? Use higher reps momentarily like 8s for DL and squats? Do more sets? Let me know your thoughts!

Mark Rippetoe

1. Get a diagnosis for your shoulder.

2. You are asking about how to train for strength without the proper equipment. How did you get strong enough to deadlift 435?


Yeah! I totally understand I won’t be gaining any strength during these few weeks. But I wanted to minimize the strength loss. I was building back up to my 500+ deadlift and 450 squat. But life keeps happening. I will try to re-incorporate some power cleans. I didn’t do those since I did the LP few years ago!


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