More Workouts From My Garage Gym

More Workouts From My Garage Gym

More Workouts From My Garage GymMore Workouts From My Garage Gym

Now more than ever I feel SO grateful to have my garage gym. (See how it all came about here.) In this crazy time, it’s one place I can go that gives me comfort and normalcy, burns off stress, and allows me to get away.

Before we get into my latest garage gym workouts, just a quick note on what we know about exercise and COVID-19, and how to stay well. Please, even if it’s just you at home, consider doing the following:

  • Wipe down your own equipment with a disinfectant before and after use. Be sure to wash your hands before and after, too. We don’t recommend you working out with others, but if you do, keep at least six feet apart and follow these other recommendations.
  • Remember that very intense exercise can decrease your immunity, so go at a moderate to mild pace where you can talk (reference here).
  • Consider adding some of these mindful elements to your workouts to boost mental health.
  • If you just started working out at home, consider some of these workouts instead.
  • For all of us, rest days are essential. If you don’t feel 100 percent, REST.
  • We are one of many places offering fitness advice, workouts, etc. during this trying time. Get more self-care, fitness, and meditation resources here.

Also, as it is every time I share my garage gym workouts, my intention in sharing them isn’t for you to do them exactly as written (although if you want to and can, go for it!); rather, I hope they’ll serve as inspiration for workouts you could try at home. Most of these are a mix of cardio and full-body strength, HIIT, and are very short. They also require some equipment, like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, TRX, and a rower — although I’ve listed ideas for modifying with less equipment when I can.

Obviously, virtually talk to your doc and a personal trainer if you have any questions about what you should or shouldn’t do — especially if you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. And always listen to your body. Knowing when to push yourself and knowing when to take it easy is a skill that takes honing but is SO important, especially when you’re working out on your own. And especially right now.

Now that all those caveats are out of the way, let’s get to the garage gym workouts!

Froggy Legs

Pretty simple and straight forward, and it’ll work the heck out of your lower body. If you don’t have a plate for the walk, just grab something heavy that you can hold with arms extended overhead and walk with it for 45 seconds. Cute baby “counting” your reps optional.

3 x 1 Workout

Circuit time! Do 1 minute of each move followed by 1 minute of rest, three times through. Don’t have a rower? Sub in any cardio move like jogging in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.

Burpee “Motivation”

For this one you’ll want to grab some fairly heavy dumbbells for thrusters. Then, count each time you drop the weights to rest. At the very end of each workout, do a burpee for each time you dropped the weights. Good motivation to keep going, eh?

You-Go-I-Go Outdoor Quaranteam

For this one you’ll need a buddy you’ve been staying at home with. While one partner runs, the other one does the exercises below … then switch! Each partner ends up running a mile, and at least a minute or two of each move.

Everyone Loves Tabata

Twenty seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest a total of eight times through for each move. What could be more fun? Follow it all up with an easy run.

Run/Row WOD

Pretty straightforward! If you don’t have a rower, try running instead or do two and a half minutes of another cardio move.

Alternating EMOM

EMOM stands for “Every Minute on the Minute.” You’ll do for each of the moves below but in a circuit type format. So, when the clock starts you do snatches. Then, when the clock hits 1 minute, you do your squats. When it hits 2 minutes, you plank for 30 to 45 seconds (depending on how you’re feeling). Then, at the 3-minute mark, you go back to snatches. So on and so forth until the clock hits 24 minutes!

Yay Failure!

Celebrate failure on this one — it helps you get stronger! Again, if you don’t have a rower, swap it for running or four to five minutes of another cardio move. And, because RDLs sneak up on you, do just 15 reps at a light weight instead of going to failure. Believe me, you’ll still feel it the next day even if you don’t in the moment.

It’s Just 20 Minutes …

As many rounds as possible! Don’t have a hurdle to hop over? Simply jump over a line or stick.

After any of these, I recommend settling into a few minutes of quiet. Self-care is always important, but right now, it’s extra important. Get it as you can.

And … that’s the latest from the Barn Box! How are your workouts right now? —Jenn


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