5 Herbs and Supplements That Boost Testosterone

5 Herbs and Supplements That Boost Testosterone

5 Herbs and Supplements That Boost Testosterone
Testosterone supplements – Credit: Deposit Photos

Herbs To Boost Testosterone

Are you looking for a natural way to boost testosterone? Has your doctor mentioned testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and you’re wondering if there’s another way to feel more masculine without an expensive treatment? Well, you wouldn’t be alone.

Lots of men suffer from low testosterone levels, also known as androgen deficiency (AD). A whole market of testosterone boosters has blown up on social media and e-commerce sites like Amazon. These T-Boosters promise Herculean gains, but there are other ways to boost your testosterone that you should know about.

Why Are Testosterone Boosters Popular with Men?

You might think that boosting testosterone is a fad or a passing trend. Yet, it naturally happens as you age. Data from the Cleveland Clinic shows that 8% of men between the ages of 50 to 79 suffer from low testosterone. When you include all men, that number goes down to about 2%. That might not seem like a lot, but that percentage translates to about 1 in 4 men over the age of 30.

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Low testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and low sperm count. Some studies suggest that low testosterone contributes to loss of bone and muscle mass. Our lifestyle of sitting for long periods of time combined with poor diets and lack of exercise make low testosterone levels more prevalent in our modern society.

To regain their sexual potency or get a competitive edge, more men are turning to testosterone boosters. T-Boosters have flooded online markets and health stores across the country. Yet, these so-called testosterone boosters aren’t all created equal.

Research Doesn’t Favor the Most Popular T-Boosters

Amazon has significantly reduced the amount of so-called T-Boosters available on its online platform. The products are still listed but almost all of them are “currently unavailable”. That’s interesting when you consider that there was a scientific study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2019 that concluded that the most popular testosterone boosting supplements sold on Amazon had little to no effect.

The study examined the efficacy of the highest-rated testosterone boosters on Amazon. They averaged more than 5,000 reviews and four and a half stars. The study concluded that only 9% of respondents reported increased libido and that there was a 60% decrease in reports of improved erections. This was after the researchers cut through all the fake reviews and spam comments on Amazon.

athletic black man treadmill
Natural boosting approaches. Credit: Deposit Photos

Natural Testosterone Boosters

1. Tongkat Ali

This is a natural herb that can increase free testosterone levels as well as total testosterone levels in the body. Tongkat Ali works by increasing the enzymes and enzymatic activity that converts cholesterol to testosterone. Some studies have shown up to a 40% increase in testosterone.

Tongkhat Ali can cause insomnia, irritability and anxiety if you don’t get the dosage right. Try taking between 200 and 400 mg in a dosage and cycling off Tongkhat Ali after a few weeks. Some studies with mice found that a lethal dosage was between 2,000 and 3,000 mg.

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2. Boron

You might not hear much about Boron supplements for testosterone while you’re working out at the gym. Boron lowers SHBG levels in the body and that has a beneficial effect on the total testosterone levels in the body. If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to boost testosterone, you should consider Boron-rich foods or supplements. You might see Boron as Boron citrate, aspartate, or glycinate.

A generally assumed safe dosage in supplements is between 3 and 10 mg. Check the labels of any supplements you intend to buy to double-check the recommended dosage of boron. You can also get a daily does of boron from a pack of trail mix. Raisins, almonds, and hazelnuts are some of the most boron-rich foods that you can eat.

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3. Fadogia Agrestis

This is an African shrub that gets sourced mostly from Nigeria. It increases LH levels as a way to restore your body’s hormone balance. Scientific studies are still inconclusive about the efficacy of Fadogia Agrestis at building testosterone in men. However, it’s an herbal remedy that you’ll see advertised as a testosterone booster.

Studies in rodents showed that any dosage of Fadogia Agrestis increases sexual urgency and overall energy levels. However, you should use caution when trying this remedy. It hasn’t been fully tested in human studies. It’s recommended to take the smallest recommended dose for a few weeks and see if you notice results.

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athletic man bench press shirtless gym
Muscle and testosterone. Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

4. Shilajit

Shilajit is an herbal substance that you’ll hear tossed around in the holistic health community. Just ask someone at a drum circle or yoga class about shilajit and you’re sure to get an earful. It is a natural libido enhancer that boosts sperm count and potency as added bonuses. It gives you energy, promotes muscle recovery, and has many other benefits.

In clinical studies, Shilajit has increased testosterone levels by as much as 20%. It’s a blackish substance that comes from decayed plants that have melded onto Himalayan rocks. Shilajit has been a part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Around 200 mg a day is considered a safe dosage for the improvement of your testosterone levels. A study found that to be a safe dosage in humans for a period of 90 days.

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5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an African herb that boosts testosterone indirectly. It lowers cortisol levels in the body and supports the natural production of testosterone. If you have trouble with work/life balance, then your cortisol levels could be above normal. This herb might help you reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, so that you see better results from strength training or other ways that you’re trying to boost testosterone.

A study published by Advances in Nutrition in 2020 found that ashwagandha was especially effective in boosting testosterone levels for men. In the associated study, the men participated in an eight-week time span. So, if you’re looking to supplement with ashwagandha, consider cycling on for eight weeks or less.

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Boost Testosterone in Other Ways

Interestingly, in that same ashwagandha study, three different ginseng samples were tested and found to have little to no beneficial effective on testosterone levels. However, fenugreek seeds were found to boost testosterone levels in men.

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Also, if you think you might have a testosterone deficiency, then you could supplement your diet with Zinc and Vitamin D. Both of these can be found in a basic vitamin and mineral stack. Both have been proven to support men’s reproductive health and promote healthy testosterone levels.

A testosterone supplement isn’t always the best solution for boosting your testosterone levels. Nutrition, healthy sleep patterns, and regular exercise work wonders, as well. However, these are some evidence-based testosterone boosters that men can try.

Have you had any experiences with these testosterone boosters? How did they work for you?


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