7 Major Benefits of Beef Liver for Testosterone Production

7 Major Benefits of Beef Liver for Testosterone Production

It surprises me that beef liver and testosterone production aren’t mentioned together more often. As there are very few foods with a better nutrition profile to optimize T than what the benefits of beef liver consumption can do for you. A single serving of beef liver provides you with many of the nutrients you need daily. To support healthy testosterone levels.

We are going to take a look at those nutrients now. Including what percentage a single serving of beef liver. Provides you with of your recommended daily amount of that nutrient. Which will leave you with little doubt. That beef liver and testosterone should be synonymous with each other.

Benefits of Beef Liver: The Nutrients7 Major Benefits of Beef Liver for Testosterone Production

These are the 13 main nutrients found in beef liver that can aid testosterone production. Here, we’ll discuss 7.

  • Vitamin A
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • K2
  • D3
  • B1
  • B2
  • B3
  • B5
  • B6
  • B9
  • B12

1. Vitamin A – 6514mcg (over 600%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

One of the biggest benefits of beef liver is its Vitamin A profile. 

Vitamin A has been shown to increase the concentration of leydig cells. Which are responsible for testosterone production. Vitamin A also leads to higher levels of the Hsd17b3 gene which means testosterone is getting synthesized at a higher level.

In studies, it has been shown that Vitamin A & Iron supplementation together can be effective as testosterone replacement therapy. As you will see, beef liver is also a good source of iron. Finally, vitamin A helps to lower inflammation in the body. Lower inflammation leads to higher testosterone production!

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2. Iron – 5.5mg (31%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

You may not know this; but iron is one of the most important minerals for health. It helps reduce fatigue, increase red blood cell count & supports the immune system. Shockingly iron deficiency is pretty common across the globe.

As mentioned above, studies have shown that a combination of iron and vitamin A supplementation. To be as effective as testosterone replacement therapy. So the two combined is a great thing. As far as testosterone production is concerned.

3. Zinc – 4.5mg (41%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

Now we still don’t know exactly how Zinc impacts testosterone production. What we do know is, when you are deficient in Zinc. Your body responds as follows.

  • Higher aromatization levels
  • Lower luteinizing hormone levels
  • Lower 5a-reductase inhibitor levels

This all leads to lower & inhibited testosterone production. Sadly zinc deficiency is pretty common. Worldwide and especially in the West! So the high Zinc content in beef liver, is great for testosterone production.

4. Selenium – 39.7mcg (72%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

Selenium aids testosterone production on two fronts. First of all it is a powerful antioxidant. Which leads to lower inflammation in the body, including the testes. Reduced inflammation in the testes helps to increase testosterone production.

Secondly, selenium is needed for healthy thyroid function. Selenium plays a major role in the thyroid gland’s ability to produce thyroid hormone. Healthy production of thyroid hormone. Means the testes producing more leydig cells. Leydig cells are responsible for testosterone production. So the healthier your leydig cell production. The higher testosterone production will be!

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5. K2 – 3.5mcg (3%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

Vitamin K2 is thought to aid testosterone production on two fronts. The first still needs more studies but it’s believed that one of the forms of K2 (menaquinone-4) enhances testosterone production. This is due to improving the performance & production of the testes.

Secondly is the synergistic relationship between K2 & vitamin D. Supplying the body with suitable levels of vitamin K2. Enables higher & more efficient utilization of the bodies’ vitamin D stores. Vitamin D is a pre-sex hormone & plays a major role in the production of testosterone. Very few foods are a source of K2. So as a source, it’s another reason I think beef liver and testosterone production should be linked together more!

6. D3 – 1.4mcg (7%)/ 4 Ounce Serving

As mentioned above. D3 is a pre-sex hormone. In short, this means you need a decent amount of D3 daily. For the healthy production of sex hormones. Which very much includes testosterone production. Now your main source of vitamin D3 is absorbed via sun rays on the skin. With a modern lifestyle making it more difficult to get the sun exposure ideally needed. Dietary sources become even more important.

7. B Complex

Beef liver is one of if not the best dietary sources of B vitamins. A single serving provides you with B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. All B vitamins have a positive impact on testosterone production. With the most notable B vitamins that impact T. In B3, B5, B6, B9 & B12.

All being in supply in excess of 70% from a single portion of beef liver. With some of them being in excess of 100%. The B complex levels alone. Is one of the major reasons Beef liver and testosterone need to be linked together. The same way eggs or steak & testosterone tend to be!

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Final Thoughts On The Benefits of Beef Liver for Testosterone Production

beef liver on the grill

Based on what you have read. I imagine you will agree with me that beef liver and testosterone production should be synonymous with each other! The benefits of beef liver are beyond what most people realize.

If you want to optimize testosterone production. I would strongly recommend that you make liver a part of your diet at least a couple of times per week. Please share this article with anyone you think may find it useful. Same as always, any questions drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you. You can also follow me on my social media. Where I share lots of tips on ways to optimize testosterone.


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