Bodybuilding is the Most Dangerous Sport? — Not Really… – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Bodybuilding is the Most Dangerous Sport? — Not Really… – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Bodybuilding is the Most Dangerous Sport? — Not Really… – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog

Without question, we’ve had far too many bodybuilders die over the last few years. And we’re not talking about old individuals who lived a long life and died of natural causes. We are talking about tragic losses of bodybuilders who are in their 30s and even younger. But is bodybuilding the most dangerous sport out there?

I think we need to take a step back and start unpacking things as they relate to what we consider the most dangerous sport and how bodybuilding fits into this equation.

In this article, we are going to dive deeper into what makes the most dangerous sport and whether or not bodybuilding should have a deserving seat at the debate table.

Let’s dive into things…

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition, or adding any supplements to your current routine.

What Makes Bodybuilding Dangerous?

As with most things we do, bodybuilding has an inherent danger as anyone who exercises can put themselves at risk of injury or a cardiac event. But does that mean we shouldn’t get any sort of physical activity and live in fear that getting off the couch is bad for us?

No. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

That said, bodybuilding takes things a step further. The heavy lifting can cause an injury to take place that could cause death. However, the risk associated with that becoming a reality is very low.

So, what actually would make bodybuilding the most dangerous sport out there? It’s the drug use. I’m not talking about just steroids and anabolics. You obviously need to factor that in and what those substances can potentially do to the organs. Can steroids cause heart issues and organ failure? Without a doubt. Can they cause irreversible side effects that harm long-term health? For sure.

But we also need to look at the recreational drug use that no one is really talking about.

Bodybuilders put themselves through hell in the gym. They push their bodies to the limit and then walk around the rest of the day sore and with trauma that needs time to properly heal and recover. Walking around in pain from banged-up joints, muscle injuries, and other gym-related issues that can happen causes many bodybuilders to dabble with painkillers.

It should come as no breaking news that many people have died from overdoses related to painkillers, such as opiates. Some bodybuilders find themselves using these types of drugs just to live a somewhat normal life where they can actually function and get out of bed.

So, does this make bodybuilding the most dangerous sport? I’m not so sure it’s at the top of the list.

Are There Other Sports That Are Just as Dangerous?

Absolutely and without question. Look at all these contact sports where people are constantly getting hurt and injured. You have football where grown men weighing 250+ pounds are running into each other like two trains colliding. The damage and trauma that it causes is crazy.

You have head injuries, spine injuries, broken bones… the list goes on and on.

Then you have sports like boxing and MMA. I don’t know about you, but getting punched or kicked in the face and head doesn’t sound healthy to me. I don’t wake up in the morning looking forward to getting my face rearranged, and my brain slammed against my skull.

Any type of combat sport provides the recipe for massive injuries and potential death. We see it on the news where people get in a street fight, and after getting knocked out and hitting their head on the ground, they die.

To me, that’s way more dangerous than bodybuilding.

Is Bodybuilding the Most Dangerous Sport Out There?

No, not in my opinion. When I think of the most dangerous sport out there, it’s hard to not put combat sports ahead of everything else. Does bodybuilding have its own risk? Sure. And everyone has their own risk tolerance. We have people who jump out of a plane for fun. That’s wild to me. We have people crossing the street every day and hear about them getting hit and killed. There’s a risk with anything we do.

So, in the end, without question, we’ve seen many deaths lately in the bodybuilding industry. But no one is forcing them to partake in the use of any sort of drugs or anabolics. I believe there are a number of sports that would go before bodybuilding in a list of the most dangerous sport.

But in the end, think of the number of deaths from car accidents, drug overdoses, random illnesses, and many other things that outrank bodybuilding. So, while people want to demonize the sport, they’re cherry-picking one aspect of the sport they don’t agree with and turning that into why they say it’s the most dangerous sport.

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts down in the comments. Do you think bodybuilding is the most dangerous sport?


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