8 challenges to be aware of when beginning your fitness journey — Stack House Gym

8 challenges to be aware of when beginning your fitness journey — Stack House Gym

8 challenges to be aware of when beginning your fitness journey — Stack House Gym

Embarking on a weight loss journey presents its challenges, encompassing factors like dietary choices, portion control, exercise, stress, sleep, and overall lifestyle. It’s easy to make missteps that impede progress, however, there’s no need for discouragement. To enhance your weight loss efforts, we’re dissecting eight prevalent mistakes to help guide you effectively.

Caloric Imbalance

Contrary to the misconception that less eating equals more weight loss, it’s vital to strike a balance. Your body requires a specific calorie intake to function optimally. Mindful eating, which involves paying attention to hunger cues, savoring meals, and being aware of portion sizes, can help you avoid the pitfalls of both overeating and undereating. Get in touch with one of our Personal Trainers who can help build a macro plan suited to your goals.

Not Getting Enough Protein

Insufficient protein intake can lead to persistent cravings and hinder weight loss. Prioritise lean protein sources such as fish, poultry, lean meats, tempeh, and legumes. Tailor your protein intake based on factors like age, physical activity, and weight loss goals, seeking professional guidance for personalized recommendations.

Eating Foods That Kill The Metabolism

Sneaky inflammatory additives hidden in everyday foods can sabotage weight loss by promoting inflammation. Be a vigilant consumer, read ingredient labels, and opt for whole, unprocessed foods by shopping the store’s perimeter to sidestep hidden culprits.

Not Addressing Inflammation

Chronic inflammation and weight gain are intertwined, disrupting hunger and satiety hormones. Combatting inflammation requires adopting a holistic lifestyle approach that addresses factors like diet, activity level, and stress.

Lack of Strength Training

While cardio is often prioritised for weight loss, neglecting strength training can impede results. Building muscle boosts metabolism and supports glucose metabolism, making it an integral part of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Inadequate sleep disrupts hormones regulating hunger and fullness, increasing cravings and promoting sedentary behaviour. Prioritise 7.5-9 hours of quality sleep nightly to enhance weight loss efforts.

Being Stressed

Stress, if left unchecked, releases cortisol, promoting abdominal fat storage and disrupting various aspects of well-being. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your routine such as meditation, even if only for a few minutes daily, to safeguard both weight loss and overall health.

Neglecting Gut Health

Gut health influences weight management and overall well-being. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods, prebiotics, and high-fiber options to support a healthy gut and facilitate sustainable weight loss.

If you’re starting out in your fitness routine and need some friendly guidance get in touch! Our Personal Trainers are experts at supporting you along your journey.


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