8 Best Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally

8 Best Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally

If you want to know what the best exercises to increase testosterone naturally are. You are in the right place! Without question, exercise is a vital element of optimizing testosterone production. You need to make sure you are doing the right exercises though.

As some are far better options to increase testosterone naturally. While some forms of exercise you actually want to avoid altogether, when it comes to having healthy T! So let’s take a look at what the best exercises to increase testosterone naturally are.

The Best Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally

  • Walking
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Bench Press
  • Overhead press
  • Yoga

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Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Walking

8 Best Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally

You need to make sure that you are getting your daily steps in! I’m sure you have heard that 10,000 steps per day is the magic number. That you should be aiming for. It would appear around the 10K steps mark. Is ideal for supporting testosterone production as well. Studies have shown that getting 8,000 – 12,000 steps daily. Is linked to a far lower risk of hypogonadism/ low testosterone. When compared to men who got under 4,000 steps daily. I’d suggest you aim for 10,000 as the minimum.

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Squats

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally - Squats

Squats are considered the “king” of weight training exercises for a reason. Your legs & glutes are the largest muscle groups in the body. Squats essentially hits every muscle in your legs, glutes & core. The more muscle recruited during exercise, the larger your testosterone spike. The higher the weights you lift the more your T is spiked as well. This spike is only temporary however. Testosterone levels will return to normal.

Finally the more muscle mass you carry & the lower your body fat is. The higher your testosterone production will be in the long term. So squats are ideal. They burn a lot of fat & are ideal for gaining muscle mass. As we covered the legs & glutes are the largest muscle groups in the body. The more muscular your legs are & the lower your body fat. The higher your testosterone production will be!

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Deadlifts

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally - Deadlifts

Deadlifts are another one of the major lifts & exercises to increase testosterone naturally. Just like squats, deadlifts utilise pretty much all of your leg muscles and the glutes. You are also utilising your back lower, shoulders & neck muscles. So this combined with the lifting heavy is great for the short term T spike. In terms of increasing testosterone for the long term. It’s a great calorie burner & good for fat loss. Obviously great for packing lots of muscle mass as well. So a top exercise to increase testosterone naturally for the long term as well.

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Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Benchpress

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally - Bench pressing

I’m sure you are all familiar with the bench press. Again you are hitting multiple muscle groups. Your quads, your chest shoulders, triceps and biceps. Again you’re lifting heavy. So great for a short-term spike in testosterone as well as helping to increase levels for the long term. amount of weights.

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Overhead Press

Man adding plates to barbell

The overhead press isn’t necessarily a lift people think of when it comes to exercises to increase testosterone naturally. It really is very effective though. Again lifting heavy & you hit multiple muscle groups. Your pecs, shoulders, upper back & triceps. Like the other compound lifts, the overhead press is great for a short term testosterone spike. It’s also going to help you optimize & increase your T production in the long term.

Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally: Yoga


Exercises To Increase Testosterone Naturally - Yoga

High cortisol levels are one the biggest killers of testosterone production! Anything that lowers chronic cortisol effectively helps increase testosterone. When it comes to exercise & lowering cortisol at the same time. There is nothing that competes with yoga. Making it one of the best exercises to increase testosterone naturally.

Take the cobra pose for example. Even if you aren’t keen on the idea of yoga. This is still something I suggest you do daily. By holding the yoga pose for up to 200 seconds. You can see your testosterone levels increase by up to 33%! So again I suggest this is something that you do daily.

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Final Thoughts

I hope you have found this article exercises to increase testosterone naturally useful. You should now know the main exercises you need to be focusing on to help boost testosterone levels. The exercises listed are some of the major ones but any compound lifts are every effective exercises to increase testosterone naturally.

If you have any questions in regards to this article. Just drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you. Please share this article with anyone you think may find it useful. You can also follow me on my social media site. I share plenty of tips & other exercises that increase testosterone naturally.


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