7 Day Gym Workout Plan To Maximize Gains

7 Day Gym Workout Plan To Maximize Gains

Alright, you’ve decided to go all out and commit to doing something for your body every day of the week, but you’re not sure how to do it without completely burning yourself out. That’s where we come in. We’ve designed a 7-day workout plan that will help you build muscle, burn fat, and improve your cardio. The best part? It’s scalable for anyone. Let’s get into it!

The 7-Day Gym Workout Plan 

There’s no doubt that a 7-day workout plan takes a lot of commitment to stick to. One of the best ways to help you stay with it is to have enough variety to keep it interesting, which is why we’ve designed our plan to have you do something different every day.

Day 1: Full Body Strength Training

For the first day of your training it’s important to hit the big full body compound movements like squats and deadlifts while you still have lots in the tank!

Squats 3 5-8 1.5-2 mins
Deadlifts 3 5-8 1.5-2 mins
Push-ups 3 Failure 1 min
Dumbbell Rows 3 10-12 1 min
Planks 3 60 secs 45-60 secs

Day 2: Cardio – Interval Training

You can choose to run, bike, row, elliptical, or use any other cardio machine you can safely use. Manual treadmills are much better for this than electric ones.

  • Duration: 15 – 30 minutes
  • Example: To start out, alternate 30 seconds of all-out effort (sprinting) with 1 minute of a slower/more relaxed pace (walking). For more advanced gym-goers, 1 minute of sprinting followed by 2 minutes of walking is repeated for 30 minutes.

Day 3: Upper Body Strength

This upper body workout session is designed to combine so you don’t have to trade-off strength vs hypertrophy.

Bench Press* 3 6-8 1-1.5 mins
Shoulder Press 3 6-8 1-1.5 mins
Bicep Curls* 3 8-12 1 min
Hammer Curls* 3 8-12 1 min
Tricep Ext. 3 8-12 1 min
Skull Crushers 3 8-12 1 min
  • Bench Press: Alternate between flat bench press and incline bench press weekly. Try to mix in different incline bench angles.
  • Bicep Curls: Choose from any variation of curls you would like, i.e., Preacher, dumbbell, incline, etc.
  • Hammer Curls: Utilize dumbbells and cables

Day 4: Cardio – Steady-State

Pick your favorite, or least hated, form of cardio for a nice moderate-length workout. The goal is to break a sweat but not absolutely tire yourself out.

Day 5: Lower Body Strength

In this training session you’ll be working all the muscle groups of your legs to achieve balanced development.

Lunges 3 12-15/leg 1-1.5 min
Leg Press* 3 12-15 1-1.5 min
Hamstring Curls 3 12-15 1-1.5 min
Romanian Deadlifts 3 8-12 1-1.5 min
Calf Raises 3 20 1-1.5 min

Day 6: Core and HIIT

Today is meant to be a short session that will make you sweat.

Russian Twists 3 20 1 min
Bicycle Crunches 3 20 1 min
Leg Lifts  3 20 1 min
HIIT* 1 15 min NA

Day 7: Active Recovery – Stretching and Flexibility

This may be the most important day of the entire week. Don’t even think about skipping it!

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Activities: Dynamic stretching, yoga, foam rolling
7 Day Gym Workout Plan To Maximize Gains

Sustaining a 7-Day Gym Workout Routine

A 7-day workout plan might seem like it might be too much to handle, but it can be sustainable with the right approach. Here’s how to make it work for the long haul:

  1. Start with Modifications: Working out every day of the week can be downright intimidating. If needed, adjust the duration or intensity. For example, keep cardio days towards the lower end of the time recommendations or reduce the number of sets on strength days. The goal is to build up over time, not burn out quickly.
  2. Listen to Your Body: Recovery is essential to prevent injury. If you feel overly fatigued, consider taking an extra rest day or replacing a workout with a stretching routine.
  3. Mix It Up: Variety is key to keeping things interesting. Swap exercises within the same muscle group to target different muscles and avoid boredom. Incorporate new forms of cardio, like dance (the Just Dance video games are actually pretty fun) or hiking, on your cardio days.
  4. Adjust for Goals: Whether you’re aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or improved endurance, you can tweak the plan to suit your goals. Lift heavier on strength days if muscle gain is your focus, or increase your overall HIIT workout times for fat loss.
  5. Build a Habit: Consistency is key. Try to do each workout around the same time every day to establish a routine. Even on busier days, a short 15-minute workout can help you stay on track.
  6. Celebrate Progress: Keep track of your workouts in a logbook. Whether lifting heavier, running longer, or feeling more energized, recognizing any type of progress can boost your commitment. Remember that any positive change is a win, no matter how small!
  7. Eating Right: Since your body is going to be working hard, you need to focus on feeding it everything it needs to function at its highest level. Ditch the junk food, focus on eating whole foods especially protein packed options, eat plenty of veggies and fruits, and drink plenty of water. Treat yourself to a cheat meal (not a day) once a week as a way to keep yourself on track.


There you have it: a 7-day gym workout plan and ways to help you stick with it. Working out every day of the week is no joke, but that commitment will reward you with strength, cardiovascular fitness, and fat loss. Remember to eat right and listen to your body. The only thing holding you back from your dream physique is you!

Check out our full collection muscle building workouts!


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