7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

The most common types of barbells you’ll come across in your local gym are Olympic barbells or standard barbells. But is one better than the other and which one should you use.

Keep reading as in this article we’ll be considering the key differences between Olympic barbell vs standard barbell.

What Is An Olympic Barbell

Olympic barbells are specifically designed for Olympic weightlifting exercises, such as the snatch and clean & jerk.

As such, they are typically used by competitive weightlifters.

When compared to other barbells, they are longer and larger in diameter with a weight capacity of around 700-1500 lbs.

This weight load capacity also makes them ideal for advanced lifters who tend to lift a heavy amount of weight.

Another feature found on Olympic bars is that of rotating sleeves.

A bar sleeve that rotates will allow the plates to spin during the exercise. This limits the amount of force being exerted which in turn helps to reduce the likelihood of injury to the lifter.

Olympic sleeves on a barbell are 50mm in diameter and designed to accommodate Olympic plates.

What Is A Standard Barbell

Standard barbells are shorter, thinner, and sometimes lighter than Olympic barbells, with a weight capacity of around 300-500 lbs.

Standard barbells also tend to have a lower tensile strength.

This means they are more susceptible to bending under heavier weights, hence why the weight capacity is lower.

These are more generic and most common in commercial gyms and home and garage gyms.

The diameter of the sleeves accommodate standard weights such as bumper plates.

Standard barbells are typically used by those lifting lighter weights and would not be recommended for heavy lifts.

Olympic Barbell vs Standard Barbell: The Key Differences

The main difference between an Olympic barbell and a standard barbell is that an Olympic bar is designed for Olympic lifting.

Conversely, a standard barbell is a lower cost alternative that can be used for exercises involving lighter weight loads.

Below we look at the differences between these two barbells in more detail.

Weight Or Load Capacity

An Olympic barbell goes through a number of manufacturing processes that mean it can withstand heavier weight loads when compared to a standard barbell.

One of these processes includes case hardening, which is a form of heat treatment.

All Olympic barbells will be heat treated. When a barbell is heat treated the tensile strength increases.

This means it can withstand a higher level of bending before permanent deformity occurs. It also makes the barbell much stronger, thus making it more suitable for Olympic lifting.

barbell-deadlift7 Critical Olympic Barbell Vs Standard Barbell Differences

In comparison, standard barbells will not be subject to case hardening.

Whilst this make’s them a budget friendly alternative, it does mean they will be less durable with a shorter life span.

An additional process is that of precision straightening. This will also increase the durability of the barbell.

Design Differences

The way the bar is manufactured profoundly impacts its feel, grip, stability, and overall performance.

For the most part, Olympic and standard barbells have the same components: shaft, sleeves, bearings or bushes, and knurling.

However, the difference in manufacturing will differ, affecting their grip, stability, and overall effectiveness and durability.

Aside from the different manufacturing processes mentioned above (heat treatment and precision straightening), Olympic bars and standard bars will have different finishes.

Typically, most standard barbells are made from mild steel which is then coated with zinc or a nickel chrome to prevent rusting.

On the other hand, Olympic bars are sometimes made from a better quality material, such as stainless steel.

In the case of stainless steel barbells, they likely won’t be coated with anything as they have a higher tolerance to corrosion, depending on the grade of stainless used.

If an Olympic bar is manufactured from mild steel, this would be straightened, hardened, and finished off with something such as cerakote (a ceramic coating).

Cerakote is more resistant to rust and has a better feel for the user, when compared to a finish such as zinc. It’s also available in a wide range of bright colours.

Another design difference not visible to the naked eye is that of the components used for the rotating sleeves.

Whilst both types of barbells will have a sleeve that spins, Olympic bars will use bearings whereas standard bars will be manufactured with bushes.

Both types are designed to facilitate movement of the sleeve with little friction.

When compared to a bush, a bearing is made up of multiple component parts.

This means the sleeves on an Olympic barbell will have much less friction. T

his in turns allows for a smoother rotation of the sleeves during movements such as clean and jerk.

By limiting stress on the wrists during these exercises means much less chance of injury.

clean and jerkclean and jerk


Knurling refers to the textured, crosshatch pattern that appears on certain bars of the bar shaft, and it’s one of the most important features of a barbell.

The purpose of the knurling pattern is to provide a secure grip and allow the weightlifters to maintain a firm hold on the bar during lifting exercises.

Knurling on Olympic barbells is more aggressive, with deeper and sharper diamond-shaped patterns that can provide a firmer grip on the bar.

On the other hand, standard barbells are typically used for lighter lifting exercises, so the knurling is much more passive.

The knurling on standard barbells is usually smoother.

Sleeve Diameter

Barbell sleeves refer to the sections of the bar where the weight plates are loaded and secured on with barbell collars.

Recommended Reading: Barbell Collars Everything You Need To Know

The difference in sleeve diameter will have a direct impact as to which plates can be used on the barbell.

Olympic barbells typically have a sleeve diameter of 50mm.

This larger diameter allows Olympic barbells to safely secure Olympic weight plates, which have a 50.6mm centre hole.

barbell deadliftbarbell deadlift

Standard barbells are available with two different sleeve sizes, 50mm or 25mm.

So, depending on the diameter of the sleeve would depend on whether you can use Olympic weights or standard plates.

Standard plates have a 1inch center hold and cannot fit on Olympic barbells.

Bar Whip

In barbell terms, whip refers to the amount of flex or bend in a barbell when you lift it.

It can impact your lifting experience, including form, stability, and safety.

However, it’s worth noting that bar whip really only matters when lifting a heavy amount of weight.

Whip will help to generate more momentum essentially making the lift easier to execute.

Olympic barbells will have more whip when compared to standard bars. This is because an Olympic weightlifter will be lifting heavier weights and at relative speed.

However, just because you may lift heavy weights, that doesn’t always mean you want to encounter bar whip.

If you think of a powerlifter squatting a heavy load, excessive bar whip could cause a lot of unwanted instability.

Bar whip only really becomes important depending on the lifts you perform and how heavy the weight is.

For the vast majority of people, bar whip will not be of much relevance, nor will it make a big difference to their training.

Barbell Cost

Due to the additional manufacturing processes undertaken in the production of Olympic weightlifting barbells, these do tend to carry a higher price tag when compared to standard barbells.

Precision straightening and case hardening have an impact on a bars strength and longevity. They are expensive processes which impact on the final cost of your barbell.

Barbell Functions

Olympic barbells are designed with serious weightlifters and athletes in mind, ideal for advanced strength training exercises like the snatch and clean and jerk.

They’re often used in weightlifting competitions and can handle heavy loads.

On the other hand, standard barbells are a more versatile option and a great choice for beginner to intermediate weightlifters. They can usually handle a moderate amount of weight.

While they may not be as heavy-duty as Olympic barbells, standard barbells are a great option for a wide range of exercises and are typically found in most commercial chain gyms.


Whilst Olympic bars and standard bars have their place in most gyms, which one you choose would really depend on your fitness goals.

Olympic bars are certainly better quality and designed to carry more weight, but if you perform standard exercises such as squats and bench press with lower weight, a standard barbell would certainly suffice.


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