A weak core leads to nothing" 13 methods of freehand core strength training

Unlock core strength with 13 freehand exercises. Strengthen your core muscles, improve posture, and enhance stability for a healthier, more active life.

A weak core leads to nothing" 13 methods of freehand core strength training

No matter how strong a person looks, if his or her core muscles are weak, he or she is just useless.


"Core" is the middle link of the human body. Core muscles refer to the muscles surrounding our trunk, including abdominal muscles, hip muscles, and muscles connected to the spine and pelvis.

These core muscles help keep the body stable and upright when we move our hands and legs. These muscles are also called the "powerhouse"

 The human body is arranged like a kinetic chain, with the core connecting the upper and lower parts of the human body, like a bridge. If there is a problem with this "bridge", it is likely to cause problems with the upper/lower body and even the entire kinetic chain.

Core Muscle Training is The Focus of The Exercise.

There are two muscles in the core that require special attention :

1. Transversus abdominis

2. Pelvic floor muscles

13 Methods of Freehand Core Strength Training        

1. Standing knee lift

Stand with your hands flat and shoulder-width apart, raise your left knee as high as possible, hold it at the highest point for about three seconds, then slowly lower it, switch to your right leg, do the same, exhale when you lift it up, and inhale when you lower it.

(Balance and leg strength)

2. Side lying scissor legs

Lie on your left side, support your head with your left hand, and support with your right hand. Raise your right leg as high as possible, keeping your body on a vertical plane. Hold the highest point for 3 seconds, then fall back to exhaustion, and switch to the right side, with the same action.

(Gluteal muscles, obliques)

3. Russian twist

sitting position, cross your hands, lift your knees, lift your feet off the ground, turn in the air, touch your left elbow to your right knee, and your right elbow to your left knee, until exhaustion. Pay attention to keeping your feet off the ground during the process. 

(Transverse abdominis, intercostal muscles, obliques)

4. Lie on

your right side with your buttocks raised, your right elbow on the ground, your left hand on your waist, your torso and legs on the same plane, your left leg superimposed on your right leg, raise your hips, keep your body straight, then slowly lower it, and do ten on one side. times, then switch to the other side.

(oblique muscles, intercostal muscles)

5. Crunch your abdominals

and bend your knees, cross your hands on your chest, curl your abdominals, and keep your elbows close to your thighs. Note: JR's waist injury is not healed. To be cautious, do half of this movement and keep your back close to the ground!


(abdominal muscles, especially upper abdominal muscles)

6. Lie on your back with your legs raised

put your hands under your head, your head is slightly off the ground, your legs are straight, your ankles are straight, and your heels are about 15cm off the ground, do not bend your knees, slowly raise your legs to about 45 degrees with the ground, hold for 3 seconds Finally, lower your legs.


( Gluteal muscles, lower abdominal muscles)

7. Lie on your back, swing your legs, and lift them. Lie on your back, put your hands on both sides of your hips, straighten your ankles, and raise your heels about 15cm off the ground. Lift your legs apart while keeping the other leg in the starting position.

(Lower abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles)

8. Lie on your back with your legs apart, put your hands under your hips, your head slightly off the ground, your legs straight, your ankles straight, and your heels about 15cm off the ground, open them as much as possible, and then close them.

(Lower abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles)

9. Lie on your back on a supine bicycle

, hold your head with both hands, fully flex and extend one leg, about 10cm-15cm from the ground, bend and extend the knee of the other leg to the chest, try to reach the elbow on the opposite side, then start the movement of a supine bicycle, and retract the legs, straighten the other leg and reach the elbow on the opposite side.

(Whole body, more difficult)

Note: Make sure the extended leg is fully straightened before returning it, and make sure the movement is slow to achieve maximum exercise effect.


Lie on your back, open your hands, palms down, straighten your legs toward the sky, at 90 degrees to the body, lift your head slightly off the ground, and then put your legs to the right side of the ground, forming an L shape with the body, but in Before your legs touch the floor, lift them up, return to the starting position, and then do the same to the other side.

(abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles)

Tips: If you find it too difficult, bend your knees to complete the same action.

11. Lying on your stomach for land swimming, stretch your hands forward naturally, raise your right leg and left arm as much as possible, hold it at the top for 3 seconds, slowly lower it, and then raise your left leg and right arm in the same position.

(Thigh muscles, lower back)

Key points: Keep your torso close to the ground during the entire process, raise your head slightly, and balance your entire body.

12. Superman takes off 

and lies prone, with his hands stretched forward naturally, and at the same time lifts his arms and legs upward, leaving only his torso and hip joints still attached to the ground. Stay at the top for 3 seconds, feel the muscles in your lower back contract, and then lower slowly. JR who has a back injury can practice this action more often!


(Thigh muscles, lower back)

13. Supine neck exercise 

Lie on your back on a flat surface, extend your head, and move it up and down, as if nodding, which is called YES's in the original text; lean your head on the shoulders on both sides, and pause for a moment in the middle, which is called Maybe's in the original text; turn your head to both sides Look, pause for a moment in the middle, the original text is called No's. Finally, in order to exercise the posterior muscles of the neck, lie prone on a flat surface, extend your head, cross your hands behind your head, and make a nodding motion.


(Neck muscle group)

If you don’t want to become a freak with strong limbs and a slender neck, then you need to start paying attention to this action!

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