50Fitness Motivation Quotes That Will Inspire You.

Find motivation and inspiration in these 50 fitness motivation quotes to help you reach your health and wellness objectives.

50Fitness Motivation Quotes That Will Inspire You.

The gym is a great place to relieve stress and forget about the outside world. But it’s also a great place to get inspiration and motivation

We understand that getting to the gym and prioritizing your fitness is difficult. However, staying on track and working towards your health objectives is critical. So, if you're seeking extra motivation, these motivational fitness and workout quotes can assist.

Think of these motivating words as an on-demand personal trainer you can turn to for extra support and gym-spiration at any moment, from uplifting gym quotes that will get you excited for your workout to fitness motivation quotes that will motivate you to get up and move.

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to keep going to the gym or if you’re looking for some extra inspiration to help you reach your fitness goals, these gym motivation quotes will give you the boost you need.

Gym Motivational Quotes

Workout Quotes

For those of us who are striving to be the best of the best, these workout quotes are for you!

  • “If you don’t practice, you don’t deserve to win.” -Andre Agassi
  • “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” -Lance Armstrong
  • “Success is what comes after your stop making excuses.” -Luis Galarza
  • “When I was younger, I was always taught not to make excuses.” -Derek Jeter
  • “If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.” -Michael Jordan
  • “Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment.” -Vince Lombardi
  • “Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!” -Jillian Michaels
  • “Someone who is busier than you is running right now.” -Nike
  • “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” -Will Rogers

“You shall gain, but you shall pay with sweat, blood, and vomit.” -Pavel Tsatsouline

Running Workout Quotes

For all of our runners out there, some motivational fitness quotes for before your next run.

  • “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -John Bingham

  • “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.” -John Bingham

  • “Go fast enough to get there, but slow enough to see.” -Jimmy Buffett

  • “Runners don’t quit. We fade; we “hit the wall”; we’re sometimes reduced to a walk. But we keep on.” -Amby Burfoot

  • “It never gets easier, you just get better.” -Jordan Burroughs

  • “The road to success runs uphill-Willie Davis

  • “I’m either completely committed to what I am doing, or have a few screws loose, who knows. –Courtney Dauwalter

  • “Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable.” –Kara Goucher

  • “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up.” –Dean Karnazes

  •  “If you don’t think you were born to run you’re not only denying history. You’re denying who you are.” –Christopher McDougall

  • “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!” -Jillian Michaels

  • “Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.”  -Steve Prefontaine

  • “What seems hard now will one day be your warm-up.” -Unknown

  • “When your legs get tired, run with your heart.” -Unknown

  • “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy… I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” -Art Williams

  • “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.” -Oprah Winfrey

  • “I often hear someone say I’m not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner.” – Bart Yasso

Now that you have an infinite number of workout quotations to select from, make signs for your home, on the fridge, on your desk, in your home gym, or write them all over your jogging log and training plan.

The important thing is to put these motivational fitness quotes where you will see them the next time you need that extra boost. There’s always a reason to get up, get out there, and give it your all!

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