We’ve been offering Netter 3D Anatomy as a supplement to Patton Anatomy & Physiology at no added cost through the past few editions. Faculty and students alike have enjoyed the adventures they’ve undertaken as they explore the various regions of the human body using three-dimensional, dissectible images. That won’t change in the new 11the edition. Or will it?!
The availability of Netter 3D Anatomy will still be there. And it will continue to be offered at no added cost to students. But it will be better in several ways.
Netter 3D Anatomy adapts Netter’s vast library of anatomical art to a gamification environment to make the study of Netter’s “virtual” anatomy highly engaging. The environment does this by melding 3D versions of anatomical structures with the ability to manipulate them in real time—thus adding the fourth dimension of time.
Netter 3D Anatomy uses advanced gaming technology and interactive 3D anatomy models to learn, review, and teach anatomy. That’s still true, but many improvements have been made to the ease-of-access and functionality of the platform.
Students using Patton Anatomy & Physiology will no longer have to create a separate account and login through a separate system. It’ll all be contained within the Evolve Student Resources that students already use—and have logged into—for all their other textbook tools and resources. As instructors, we know how important a single-login system can be for our students.
Students and instructors will find that the ease of use of Netter 3D Anatomy has improved tremendously. We worked closely with the developer, wearing our teacher hats, then wearing our student hats, to make sure that any obstacles to easy use are eliminated. And we’re very happy with the results!
Because each user is “in control” as they zoom, twist, pull apart, unwrap, peel away, and pan, this program also adds the kinesthetic dimension characteristic of the best “virtual reality” experiences. Users can add or remove labels at will. This multimodal approach implements principles of brain-based learning a a way that gives the user the enjoyment of playing an exploratory game.
Professors can also use this tool in the classroom or lab to demonstrate anatomical relationships in a way that 2D illustrations, plastic models, and even dissection specimens cannot. For example, layers of the GI wall can be easily peeled away to demonstrate each coat. The skull bones can be pulled apart—then put back together—to help students quickly learn this tricky part of the skeleton.